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Curled up on the Fop's custom leather couch, Ema tightly gripped her blankets and kept her eyes down.

"Calm down, Ema... You'll work yourself up and make it worse. Don't think about it. Just ignore the cold. Just forget about the pain. Ignore it all. Forget it all. Don't think about it."

Repeating her thoughts constantly, Ema found the voices around her fade into the back of her mind.

"Ignore it. Forget it. Don't make it worse."

Her thoughts swirled in circles, repeating themselves until it was the only thing she could think about.

"Forget. Ignore. Forget. Ignore. It'll get worse..."

Feeling goosebumps rise up, Ema pulled the blanket tighter around her arms and shuddered.

"S-Sodium Phosphate, what's with the air conditioning..?" She shivered and leaned against the armrest, pulling her legs up into herself.

"Ema." A warm hand made it's way onto her shoulder, followed by a warm blanket....

"Haaaahh..." Melting into the pleasing warmth, Ema felt herself relaxing subconsciously. "Mmnnn...." She smiled as the chill disappeared from her arms and her neck tingled.

"Jiminy grillen, Fraulein..."

"Hm..?" She peeked over at the blonde, curiously. "Oh, guanine..." She stared a little at his pink cheeks, watching him rub his forehead lightly. "Ah... Um... Sorry?" She felt herself shrink into her blanket nervously.

"Ehrlich gesagt, wie geht es dir so cute ..?"

Ema felt her cheeks heat up gradually. What did he say...? He... Called her cute...? "W-why did- h-huh-?! W-wait-!"

She felt her whole body grow warm, a tingling sensation that reached from her toes to the tips of her ears. "W-what..?"

A boisterous chuckle erupted from the other couch. "You should see your face, Ems...!"

Ema felt her core freeze over.

"Ach, Daryan, give her a break." The musician frowned and sat with her. "She's been through a lot. Lay off it, would you?"

The sharkhead shrugged, laying across the couch like he owned it. "Alright..."

Ema glanced gratefully at the blonde and took a deep breath.

"... Thank you... Gavin..." She looked down and pulled the warm blanket close again, feeling the heat of the contraption transfer to her steadily.

He glanced at her, in turn, and smiled. "Of course, Ema..."

"Ugh, I feel like a third wheel..." The detective complained from across the room.

Frowning, Ema glared at him annoyedly. "Crescend, now is really not the time!" She gripped the blanket and forced herself to stay sitting.

"Ja, Daryan... Cut it out, or I'll have to remove you from the premises." Her boss frowned, but tried to keep a light tone... He was trying to stay cool.

Ema glanced at him and pulled herself up to his ear. "Hey... Can you actually have him leave? I want to talk to you... Alone..." She scrunched her nose and looked away oddly.

"Ugh, this doesn't feel right... It sounds like I'm being suggestive-! But how else should I phrase that-? I just want him to leave-!" Ema watched as Klavier glanced at her nervously, biting the inside of his lip slightly... Huh... When did he ever do that?

"Sure..." He looked at Daryan again and gently tightened his fist. "Daryan... Can you go?"

The blue idiot looked up at them with a frown. "But I haven't done anything! What, do you want some alone time-?" He started to smirk just as Ema stood up.

"Yes, we want some alone time! So get out!" She grabbed him by the jacket and pushed him out the door, closing it as soon as she could before worriedly glancing back at her boss. What did she just do...?


Jiminy grillen- Jiminy crickets

Fraulein- Young lady

Ehrlich gesagt, wie geht es dir so cute- Honestly, how are you so cute

Ja- Yes

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