Save me

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~Ema's PoV~

Getting back to the crime scene would take more than half an hour, on foot. The night air was cold, but the ever-blowing wind made it colder.

Rubbing her arms together desperately, Ema found it getting harder to resist the cold...

It surrounded her. Like tentacles of some horrid science experiment, curling around her throat... Ema could hardly breathe.

"So, Fraulein..." The Glimmerous idiot put an arm around her, a broad smirk gracing his features. "Do you plan to keep my wallet hostage all day?"

Snapping out of her haze again, Ema looked at him, giving him a scowl. She pulled out his wallet and stuffed it in his back pocket. "Better?" She watched his eyes widen as he almost backed off.

"Ah... Y-yes. Thanks..." He tried to smile, but it was clear he wasn't feeling it anymore...

"Peculiar..." Ema watched him curiously. "What, cat got your tongue, Fop?" She refrained from smirking too hard at him... Such a sight was rare.

"Ah... Heh... Nothing, Fraulein." He glanced away and scratched his ear nervously.

"Pfft.... Hehe... Really?" She started to grin, but stepped on something sharp. "Ack-!" Biting her lip and stopping in her tracks, Ema frowned at her foot.

Halting next to her, the German Fop frowned with her. "You're barefoot."

"Hmph...!" Ema picked off a rock from her heel and folded her arms. "Yeah, I know. My shoes are back with my- Eeee-!" She flailed as the stupid little rockstar picked her up... Bridal.

"Calm down...! I'm not letting you hurt your feet, walking around barefoot." He adjusted his grip a little, with a smirk. "Unless you prefer fireman style?"

She glared daggers at him and pushed his chin up. "Shut up."

"Pff-hehe... Hahaha...!" He grinned and chuckled gently shaking her as he did so.

"What is he doing?" Watching him curiously, Ema found it hard to be mad. Even if he was being foppish, at least he was helping her...

Resigning herself to her fate, she relaxed into him slowly.

"I would never admit it, but... Agh! No! I'm not admitting it!" She huffed and folded her arms.


"He's warm... Ugh, quit it!"

Fighting with her mind the rest of the journey, Ema ignored everything else... Not even the icy winds disturbed her.

~Klavier PoV~

"Ach. Finally." He adjusted his grip on the kleiner detective, looking at her expectantly. "Land ho." He watched her lazily glare at him as he held back a smirk.

"Do I have to get down myself?"

Chuckling and grinning, Klavier obliged. "You have only to ask, dear detective..."

"Ugh." She rolled her eyes and brushed off her jacket, heading for the door. "Don't ever do that again without asking."

Grinning, the musician followed. "It's a step..."

Entering the little café again, Klavier glanced around at the police tape, and the officers sprinkled around the place.

"Looks like a party started while we were away." He grinned and looked at his detective.

She gave a half-hearted scoff as she went straight to the kitchen.

"Not in the mood for jokes, then?" Klavier followed her closely, watching his detective's strange behavior. She looked... Emotionless.

Stepping into the kitchen, the pair stopped and looked around.

"She's been oddly silent.." Klavier looked at the woman next to him curiously.




He reached out and put a hand on her...

She fell to her knees.

"Ema!" Kneeling next to her, he put a hand to her back. "Ema, speak to me-"

She collapsed into him, shivering uncontrollably.

"S-save.... M-me..." She weakly grabbed onto his shirt, holding it as tight as she could.

"She's responsive! Good-! What now, what-"

"I'm going to pick you up..." He wrapped his arms around her and gently lifted her once more, although... The positioning was much different this time.

"You're going to be fine, Ema..." He took her out of the kitchen and sat down in the nearest carpeted hallway, holding his friend close all the while.

"She needs to calm down... What can I do?" Pondering with himself for a second, he adjusted Ema to sit across his lap. "I hope this works..."

He brushed Ema's hair back and held her close as he took a deep breath.

"Hush now, don't you cry~ Wipe away the teardrop from your eye~"

Gently stroking her hair, he tried his best to stay calm as he sang.

"You're lying safe in bed~ It was all a bad dream spinning in your head~"

He watched her face for any clues to how she felt... Nothing.

"Your mind tricked you to feel the pain~ Of someone close to you leaving the game~ Of life..."

He ran his hand along her back gently...

"So here it is~ Another chance~ Wide awake, you face the day, your dream is over~... Or has it just begun?"

He held her close and hoped for the best as he kept singing... He couldn't lose her like this...

He couldn't...


Fraulein- Young lady

Kleiner- Little

In case you're wondering, the song in this is "Silent lucidity" by Queensrÿche. It's a song my sister and I put in our roleplays as a recurring song to calm Ema and Klavier... And I can't think of a more calming song to just sing vocally. :)

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