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~Ema's PoV~

Stretching and hugging her pillow, absently, Ema smiled. "Mmm... Rabbits..." She giggled lightly and curled up a little, thinking of her sweet dream. "Heterochromia iridum... Mhmhm..." She grinned as she imagined the white rabbit from her dream. One blue eye, one brown eye. She scooted further up and hugged her pillow a little harder, peeking her eyes open...

"OCA2... Beautiful color, too... Such sparkly irises...." She muttered, lazily, putting her hand to the head that held those gorgeous eyes. "Lots of Pheomelanin..." She gently played with the golden locks of hair, mumbling more scientific terms.

"This is familiar..." She squinted, looking at the lifeform in front of her, curiously.

"Eek-!" Pushing him back, Ema slid off the side of her bed. "Ow-!" Rubbing her backside and scrambling up, Ema pointed an accusatory finger at the German player. "Y-you-! What are you doing in my bed-?! W-with me-?!" She felt hot all over, as her memories of the previous night seemed to blur together in her mind.

Why was he here? Why were they on the same bed? Why was she cuddling with him-?!!

"Fraulein, it's fine-" He raised his arms, showing... He was still in his normal, Foppish attire?

"Shut up! Just... Why are you here-?" She glared and clung to her cabinet, searching for her experimental chemicals in case she needed to drive him off.

Sighing and rubbing his face, the German idiot looked Ema in the eyes. "You wanted me to stay over."

Frowning profusely, and folding her arms defensively, she puffed. "Liar! Why would I tell you to stay over? Especially in my room-?!"

He raised his hands again. "You said you didn't trust me out of your sight, and you wanted to be efficient with waiting out the storm in the same place." He ran a hand through his messed up, curled hair, as he yawned. "But seeing as you don't remember any of that, I guess I'll leave you to calm down?" He lazily rolled off her bed and stood, letting Ema see that his clothes were all still there, including that annoying, Foppish chain belt. If she was to get rid of anything he wore, first, it would be that-

"Ack! Ema, no! Don't you dare have any thoughts like that!" She glared at him, glancing at the window and her closet. Anywhere but him.

"Fine. Go on, then." She narrowed her eyes and gripped her arm, angerly.

"... Huh?" She looked intently at the window. "Blanket...... Thunder... Movie...." She looked back at Klavier as he reached the doorway.

"H-hold it!" She shouted, reaching out her arm.

Flinching, the blonde turned towards her. "What's with the sudden enthusiasm..?" He scratched his neck, his curious, blue eyes examining her intently.

"I..." Dropping her arm and looking down, Ema paused. Why did she shout...? "Don't go." She looked back at him, narrowing her eyes, commandingly.

He straightened curiously, looking at her intently once more. "Again?"

She narrowed her eyes and bit her lip. "Yes, again. I... Whatever choices I made last night don't matter. Just... Come on." She brushed past him and went to grab her bag, only to remember it wasn't there.

"Fraulein... I hate to be the big bad wolf in all this, but you still seem quite tense. Maybe breakfast, first?" He tilted his head at her with a raised eyebrow and a slight smile...

"Ugh. Fine. But you're paying." She folded her arms, glancing away from him with a huff.

A warm hand made it's way onto her back, as the Fop neared. "Nein, nein... You seem to have misunderstood. Breakfast here... At your place. I can whip something up for you."

She could practically see the smile on his stupid tan lips.

"You know I haven't used that kitchen since I moved in, right?" She narrowed her eyes, accusingly, at him. "The only thing you'll find to make in there is toast."

He gave her a wink and a flashy grin. "I'll make it work."

She gave him a sceptical look and an exaggerated sigh. "Whatever. I need a shower." Rubbing her cheeks, she departed. "Knock yourself out, Fop."

"I will..." He called after her, the smile obvious in his voice.

"I'm going to regret this..." She sighed.

Ema's scientific compendium of scientific science words of science. 👍

Heterochromia iridum- A condition in which an animal has two eyes of different colors.

OCA2- The scientific formula/name for blue eyes.

Pheomelanin- A kind of melanin that colors hair. Eumelanin makes hair darker, while Pheomelanin does not.

A Fop's guide to the German

Fraulein- Young lady

Nein- No

Sorry this is so short... I'm trying to update more frequently, as to not forget the plot!

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