Down time

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"Hey, Klav. Where are ya?"

Jumping in her skin, Ema froze. Did she recognize that voice-?

"C'mon you little punk. You can't ignore my calls like this." Hearing the man's footsteps near, Ema felt her pulse quicken. "It's the middle of the day, and I need to know all about your little date with-" Watching the blue sharkhead appear in the doorway, Ema felt her heart sink.

"Not now..." Ema sank on the bed, glancing around the-... Wait... Where was she?

"...Ems?" The blue detective gave her a curious look as he seemed to process her presence... "Ah," He smirked. "Naughty girl... Bet you stayed over, huh?"

"What?" Ema blinked and narrowed her eyes at him angrily as he looked at her boss' sleeping figure.

"Congrats, man... Didn't think anyone could tame this hurricane." He smirked and looked back at her. "Have a good time? Let me guess, he's a great kisser, huh-?"

Ema nearly jumped off the bed at the sudden realization of where she was, and what this jerk was eluding to. "Ew! No! We never kissed-!"

He lowered his eyes and smirked a little harder. "Ah, skipped that and went right for the good stuff, then? Bet you couldn't keep your hands off him on the way over, huh-?"

Ema snarled and got up from the silky mattress, fuming. "You're disgusting! And for your information, I don't even remember getting here, Crescend-!"

He chuckled and grinned devilishly at the still sleeping Fop. "Took her out for drinks? No wonder you're still asleep! Now you're starting to get it-"

"There were no drinks, you pompous little-"

"Ah ah ah... Language there, Ems." He folded his arms and leaned against the doorway, blocking her one exit effortlessly.

"Sodium, sodium, sodium-" Ema did her best to refrain from cursing as she clenched her fists. What should she do? She couldn't force her way out, and she was seriously close to assault. "How can one person be so completely and utterly infuriating-?!"

Gripping the hem of her shirt, Ema glared daggers at the blue jerk in front of her... He made Klavie-ah... Her boss... Seem like nothing! His snarky attitude, crude remarks, and complete and utter disrespect really ticked her off! "If I had half a mind, I would-"


Ema stopped thinking and looked back at her boss... "Gavin?" She felt a cold chill run down her spine as she watched her glimmerous boss pull himself up to look for the commotion.

"Daryan..?" He squinted a little as he brushed his golden hair back with a yawn. "Why are you in my house...?"

The sharkboy's smirk faded into a frown as he stepped over to the Fop's side. "You, ignored my calls. I heard you were put into custody, idiot." He gave the blonde a quick slap on the head as his frown deepened. "I went to check on you, but you weren't there. What gives?"

"Ack-!" The musician rubbed his aching head and looked up at the blue jerk with a light... Smile?


"Ja, ja... Sorry, I got caught up in a case... Or, more accurately a chase." He glanced at Ema briefly.

Ema bit her lip. He was putting on a face again... Why did she want to cry...? A lot of people put on a face every day... Why was this upsetting her so much?

"Aaaah. Right. Who bailed you out, then? Wasn't me." He smirked and rested his elbow against the wall.

"Actually... Ema did." Klavier looked at her with a small smile... But it seemed... More genuine.

Daryan whistled and leaned onto the blonde's shoulder with a grin. "Nice. Guess she needed you to be a bad boy and serve time before she got interested-?"


"Actually, Daryan... She was assaulted the other day. Lay off."


The whole room fell into an eerie silence.

Ema looked at her boss worriedly, her hands shaking from a sudden chill.

The sharkhead stared at the blonde, moving his gaze between the two of them slowly.


"Do you need to talk about it?" Daryan frowned and sat on the foot of the bed, watching the blonde with concern. "You sound like you could use some down time."

Sighing and standing up, the glimmerous musician combed his hair back with his fingers again. "I would... But we're on a tight schedule as is... We need to catch him before he slips away again..."

"Then why are you laying around here?" He folded his arms with a frown, glancing at the silent girl across from them.

Ema could hardly feel her body... Was it getting colder in here? Her eyes were spotty and unfocused, and she felt short on breath...


Her ears rang loudly as her head throbbed painfully. "Nngh...! Make it stop...!"


Why was this happening to her? Of all the times to be sick and a pain, it had to be when she was chasing a murderer on a time crunch...! Why couldn't she-


Blinking and flinching, Ema looked at the two worried men. "W-what...?"

The men shared an exchanged glances and gave a small nod to each other.

"Maybe a small break could help..."


Ja- Yes (XP)

So... Sorry if I didn't get Daryan's personality right. I always remembered him as snotty and condescending.... So he's a complete jerk. XP In my roleplays, he always teased Ema and Klavier, and I brought that over a little, but I tried to make it more brash and... Yeah. Also, because I weirdly love Daryan's character and friendship with Klav, I'm pretending he's not in prison because of the whole borginia case....

If you couldn't tell because of my weird writing, Daryan was joking about the whole thing when Klavier was asleep. He just wanted to get a rise out of Ema. ;)

Also, funny fact, whenever I type Daryan, my autocorrect always wants to change it to Satan... So I guess Daryan is the devil now. :P (I don't mean that, please don't be upset. I am a good Christian child-)

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