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~Ema's PoV~

Feeling warm and comfortable, Ema hazily adjusted, pressing her head into her pillow. Sighing with a stifled yawn, Ema wiped her eyes. "Such an odd dream..." She curled up a little and thought to herself for a second. Her bed had never been this comfortable...

"Mm... Kristoph... Bruder, nein..."


Opening her eyes curiously, she peeked at the sleeping man next to her. "...Gavin...?"

His sleeping form breathed uneasily, a blanket of sweat over his brow.

"Gavin?" She put a hand on him and gently rolled him over, looking at his tense jaw.

"Don't do it... Y-you're better than-... T-than..." His shoulders were tight, and his palms were sweaty, making Ema look at him with increasing waves of unease.

"Hey... Relax." Gently resting her hands on his shoulder, Ema felt her pulse quicken. "You're dreaming, Gavin... Wake up. You're fine..." Watching his expression with worry, Ema nervously rubbed his shoulder.

Would this be enough? Should she wake him up? Would he get worse if she left? Would he get better-?

"Don't... H-hurt me..."

Slowly, Ema's eyes filled with the sting of unwanted tears. He was... Scared. She'd never... Ever seen him this way. He always put on a face... For his fans, for his co-workers... Even... Even for her.

Wiping her tears quickly, Ema felt a wave of guilt and shame crash into her. She'd been so rude... So insensitive. Treating him like he was an arrogant jerk who only wanted attention... When he was human... And had feelings, too.

Feeling a heavy weight holding her down, she leaned over her boss... Putting an arm over him and crying into his black shirt like a little girl.

"I-I'm so... S-so so sorry, Gavin..." She sniffed and covered her head shamefully.

Maybe she had been the arrogant one...

"I-I'm so sorry..." She curled up against him and cried silently, letting her tears run dry.

"I need to fix my behavior... Apologize... M-maybe... Do something for him..."

Amidst her thoughts, a faint sound was ignored... The gentle buzzing of a phone.

"Should... I try to help his nightmare...?" Wiping her eyes once more, Ema looked at her boss' back. How tense was he...? Knots can form from stress and things, so.... "Maybe he..."

Cautiously putting a hand to his shoulder, Ema slowly rubbed his back.

"No knots... But he's so stiff..." She nervously felt his back and continued rubbing, wiping her eyes occasionally as her... New friend mumbled in his sleep.

"You're helping... He won't be upset... Worst case, he just... Teases you a little..." Scrunching her face, she lightly frowned. "Ugh... No! Stop it! Isn't it better to be friends with your boss, anyways...? But he hardly feels like my boss! He's not intimidating, he's-"

Letting her mind travel, Ema continued to rub, minutes flying by as the-


"Hey, Klav. Where are ya?"

Bruder- Brother

Nein- No

Just One of Those Days. (Ema Skye Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now