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Hello, readers. This chapter made me cry... But I'm always emotional, so... Have fun, and remember to comment how you felt about this chapter!

Talking for forever, trying to keep each other distracted, the two of them slowly tired themselves out.

"Gavin...?" Ema glanced at him, her eyes saddened. "I don't know how to get you out of here."

He gave her an inquisitive look and watched her through the glass. "... You care, don't you?" He smirked at her.

Ema scowled and slammed her hands down on the small ledge. "I'm serious, Gavin! My boss is in the detention center for crying out loud! I have every right to be worried-!"

Raising his hand, he conceited. "Ach, ach, Ema, alright. I get it..." He glanced to the side in silence. "... In my jacket-"

Ema scoffed. "I think you mean my jacket?" She lightly glared at him, completely serious.

He gave a small smile and looked to her. "In your jacket, there's my wallet. Use that to pay my bail, if you're so worried."

Ema tilted her head and shuffled through the pockets of her new jacket, finding a simple black wallet with an engraved "KG" on it. Pulling it out, she shuffled through the folds.

"This is filled with hundreds, you know..." She glanced up at him, her eyelids lowered annoyedly.

"Ach. I know. I trust you with it." He gave a big grin as he tapped the glass. "Not to mention theft is a crime, Fraulein. Wouldn't want to end up stuck in here with me, would you-?"

"Ack! No, no, I get it, sheesh..! No need to be all fussy..." She frowned as she put it back into her pocket. "How am I supposed to get to the man in charge?"

He shrugged from his side of the glass. "How should I know? You're the detective, aren't you? I thought finding things was in your job description."

Her eyes lowered at him. "You're a stupid fop. I should just let you rot in there..."

He smiled at her, tapping his chin. "What about your concerns, then? I thought you were worried about me."

She stood up and turned around, grumbling. "Just sit tight, you Glimmerous rockstar..." She stood and left the room, hugging herself and her new jacket.

~Klavier's PoV~

As she left the room in front of him, Klavier felt a heavy weight lifted off his chest. However... He didn't want her to leave him. He didn't want to be alone here. Here of all places. This cursed detention center. Of all days, today. He thought he could ignore it until the day had passed. Clearly he was wrong.

"Move, Gavin." The guard ordered, gesturing to the door.

"Achtung. As you wish, Herr guard." He smiled as he was lead out. "Grin and bear it." He repeated to himself. "Grin and bear it..."

He was sick and tired of it all. The smiles, the congratulations, the encouragement... Was it all fake? Would he ever truly know?

... He would.

"No." He decided, facing his cell. "I am not going to him for answers. He's the cause of all this, anyways..!"

"What do you mean 'no'?" The guard sceptically looked at the musician, an expression of distrust clearly splayed across his face.


"Nein, nein, nothing's wrong, Herr Guard." He smiled. "Just keep smiling. Grin and bear it, Klavier."

"Well... Get in the cell, then." He ordered, giving the blonde a gentle push forwards.

"Ja, ja, I got it." He stepped in and sat on the hard matress. "Have fun on your break, Herr Guard."

The man nodded as he locked up the cell again, leaving the prosecutor alone with his thoughts.

... Thoughts...


... Why did he have to leave him alone...?

Why couldn't he stay and talk? Distract him from his dangerous train of thought. Save him from himself... and the demon that still haunts his mind.

"Grin and bear it."

Just a few hours more, and he could let this day end. Just a few hours until he would be back home, away from this cell. This suffocating, dark, haunting cell...

"Grin and bear it, Klavier."

Those few words rang through his head.

The demon was taunting him. Why today? Why here? Of all times and places, why...

"Grin and bear it, Klavier. It's our birthday after all."

The demon's voice haunted him. Taunted him. Mocked him.

"You're free to go, Mr. Gavin."


Ach- (An exclamation)

Fraulein- Young lady or Miss

Nein- No

Herr- Mr.

Ja- Yes

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