The wedding

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Rin's POV:
Today is the wedding day for me and Miku, I can't believe this is actually happening! "Rin, so which bow do you think will look best?" Len asks me, yes Len is helping me get ready, since he knows me really well and can somehow do makeup extremely good. "I think the one with the lace looks cute!" I point toward a pretty white bow with lace on it, Len then puts it in my hair to see how it would look, turns out it looked pretty cute! "anyways, we have already got you ready so feel free to do what you want while we wait for the ceremony to start." "okay, Len." I say to Len as he walks out of my dressing room. I really hope this goes well, and I hope Miku likes this outfit.

Miku's POV:

I'm so excited to finally get married to Rin, I wonder what she will look like, what flowers she will have, also what accessories she will be wearing. "Miku, you nervous?" Luka says to me. "yeah, a bit..." "Well don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine, besides Rin was the one who said yes." "I guess your right, thanks Luka-" before I finish I hear the music start and see everybody in their seats. Soon after Rin-chan starts walking down the isle with a bouquet of red roses in her hands. She smiles at me and so do I, soon she walks up the stairs and we face each other. 

after the speech and vows because I don't know what to put there

"you may now kiss the bride!" I hear and I pull Rin into a deep kiss. we heard clapping and cheers, I pulled away and all I could see was Mikuo crying his heart out. After seeing Mikuo I remembered how much he had supported me up until this moment, it brought to tears but then Rin took my hand and we ran down the isle together. 

skip to the party

"alright, so Miku please come up to the stage." The host calls me up to the stage and I nervously walk up. "alright, thank you all for coming to this party to celebrate me and Rin's marriage, It means a lot! I would like to sing a song, and I would like to dedicate it to you Rin." I say and see Rin happily clap with the other people. " I actually would like for Rin to come up to the stage to sing this with me." I say, Rin then walks up to the stage and the music starts playing.

The crowd starts clapping and me and Rin hug each other making the clapping more. The rest of the night we all just messed around, danced, and all in all had a fun night.

after the party

"So Miku, you can stay at me and Rin's place for tonight, the rest of us guys will help you start packing and moving things tomorrow so you can get into your new home together." "thanks Len! But Mikuo could you maybe-" before I could finish there was a limousine right at the entrance with Mikuo driving it. "Mikuo is that really necessary-" "A limousine?! Thanks Mikuo!" Rin says and runs up to the limousine and gets in. "Okay then, guess were riding the limousine home." turns out Rin stayed up the whole ride home messing around with everything in the limousine, I fell asleep halfway there and Mikuo had to carry me in the house and into bed.

A/N: sorry for such a short chapter, I didn't really know what to put in this chapter.

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