Im in love with Rin?

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"Alright master, I'm off to hang out with Rin!" "Okay, be back soon!" I leave my house and go outside to meet Rin, she seems to still be in her school uniform. "Luka-nee I miss going to school with you! Also you should really start picking me up from school more, walking is tiring!" Rin complains, she is right though, I do miss going to school with Rin-chan and being able to eat lunch with her on the rooftop. "Yeah, I get it Rin, tomorrow I'm taking you to school and picking you up, so does that make you happy?" Rin then has a sudden sparkle in her eyes, she must be happy- *badump badump badump* I heard my heart beat fast, was I going to have a heart attack!? "Luka-nee is something wrong?" "N-no everything is okay Rin!" I start to feel like butterflies are flying around in my stomach. "Hey Rin, is there any boys you like in school?" I ask Rin a simple question, she won't suspect anything from a question like that! "Well no, lately I haven't been feeling too crazy around boys but, I feel a bit odd around cute girls..." what. Rin is gay? "Wait a minute, you're gay!?" Rin starts to look sad, she probably thinks I hate her now. "W-why didn't you tell me sooner?!" I take Rin into my arms and hold her close, she starts crying on my shoulder and I then have us walk back to her house and break the news to Len. "Really Rin!? Well I also have a confession to make..." Len stands up and inhales. "I am also gay." Len sits back down waiting for a reaction. "Kinda knew it from the start..." "yeah, you're right Rin- wait what?" Len wears a puzzled expression and so do I, first of all when has Len ever acted or done anything that made him seem gay in any way?! "Okay that's it, we will be going now!" We say our goodbyes to Len and head out the door, only to find Kaito walking up to the door and bumping into us. "Sorry about that-" I then realize how Rin knew Len was gay, he only invited Kaito over when we were gone. "Anyway, where do you wanna go?" Rin looks at me and I freeze. "H-how about you choose?" I say nervously, I should let Rin decide. "How about we go to the playground and hang out there?" "Sure that sounds fun!" We head off to the park "Hey Luka, Hey Rin." I hear a male voice say to us. "Oh Kiyoteru, I didn't know you were here-" "Luka! Rin!" I hear another voice this time more childish and feminine. "Hi Yuki, what's up?" Rin starts speaking to Yuki, so I sit down on the bench with Kiyoteru. "So how is Yuki doing?" I ask. "She is being really good, I definitely am happy she isn't as much a toddler anymore." Me and Kiyoteru start chatting while Rin plays with Yuki. "So Luka, have you been interested in anyone recently?" I get flustered as I hear him speak those words. "W-well I dont know if it is what I think it is but, I think I might like Rin more than a friend." Kiyoteru looks surprised as I answer his question. I know this is surprising considering I'm way older than Rin, but I really dont mind as much as most people would. "Well, I didn't think you would ever be the type to like her but, we are all different." Kiyoteru says with nervousness in his voice. Dude you know I am from Japan, it's technically legal for me to love Rin like this. "Anyway me and Yuki should get going, nice talking to you Luka." "Yep, the pleasure was mine." As he leaves with Yuki, Rin starts to come back to me, obviously worn out. "Okay, so Yuki has gotten much better than me at racing around the playground." I giggle "well, you seem worn out so let's head back." "But I don't want to walk anymore!" Fine of that's how you'll be then I guess I have to make a solution. I bend over "here jump on my back, I can carry you back." Rin jumps on my back and I start carrying her to her house. "bye Luka-nee!" The twins say to me after I leave. Today was good, especially cause I figured out I have feelings for Rin, and I could talk to somebody about them.

    (OLD AND RLLY EMBARRASSING) I'm not cute! Rin x Miku~ I'M REWRITING THIS RNOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora