Operation get Rin and Miku together

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A/N: This chapter takes place right after the girls started their sleepover, also sorry for the weird title.
Len's POV:
So, after Rin left to go to Miku's house, I had made plans with Mikuo and had him stay over for the night since the girls probably wouldn't want a guy there with them. "Okay so, have you gathered any information on how we can get Rin and Miku together?" Mikuo asks me, and I remember one thing that hints toward Rin liking Miku. "So what if we made it so that it looked like Miku died?" "WHAT!?" Mikuo screams at me, I understand your concern but let me finish. "Okay chill out, after that we will see if Rin says she loved Miku. Like her nightmare we will make the setting in a field with flowers and a lot of space. We will also need some help from our friends." I explain my plan to Mikuo, our plan is to bring Miku,Rin,me,Mikuo,And other vocaloids and utaoloids/fanloids. We then will have Miku and Rin do something similar to what happened in Rin's dream, which would involve me getting mad at Rin for falling on top of Miku, this wouldn't work if Rin hadn't sworn she wouldn't love anybody other than me, and that she would stay with me for the rest of her life. Now I know that she is breaking a promise but, I never really liked that she swore to only love me, her brother and nobody else. After that, we will start going downhill and have Haku and Neru make some explosions. We will make sure Rin doesn't get hit and we will make sure Miku gets hit by a fake explosion, she will know to act like she died. Now I will get blown up and get killed but, luckily I have died over 100 times so it's all good if I die in the process of this. After we will have Rin confess her love, if that doesn't work Miku knows to say she loved Rin. Now I know it seems messed up but we already agreed to doing this, so it's too late too go back and make another plan. "Alright dude, Luka decided she would find an empty field and start growing flowers there instead of finding one that already has flowers. Meiko also said she would help make the shelter you were talking about from Rin's dream." "Do Haku and Neru know who else is helping?" "Yeah they do, so we should have our plan complete." Alright, that's good, I am excited too see how this turns out! Not so excited to die again though...

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