Pillow forts and twister pt.2

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"I-its too far! I can't-" *CRASH* Down went Miku, falling onto Luka and Gumi. "Dang I thought I had it..." Miku says while obviously embarrassed by knocking everyone down. I giggle and signal to Miku that it was her turn to spin the spinner. "Alright Rin, right hand red." I put my hand on a red spot on the mat. "Okay Luka, left hand yellow." Luka puts her left hand on yellow, me and Luka are now facing each other. "Gumi,left foot red" Gumi puts her left foot on red.

~Time skip~

"Alright Luka, Left hand Red-" Before I knew it Luka moved her left hand to red and her chest was right in front of my face. "Gumi now right foot blue" Gumi was now under both me and Luka and the most uncomfortable pose possible.
"Okay Rin Left hand green." I attempt to bring my left hand around Luka to reach green, and almost fall but successfully reach green. "Luka Left foot green." Luka, who is now obviously struggling to not fall tries to put her let leg over my arm, but sadly falls. "Oof!" Gumi says from below me and Luka, she must be very strong to be keeping us up, and showing no sign that Luka ever fell. Forcing us to keep going, Gumi, Right foot yellow." Gumi attempts to put her foot on yellow, but it ends up in her moving us too much and making us all fall on her. "Wait a minute, Gumi was holding you up?" "Yeah I was..." Miku realized that once Luka fell down from Gumi barely moving her leg. "Okay Luka, since you were meant to fall, and did indeed fall down, you will be out this time.

Gumi's POV:
I was hoping to loose the game instead by falling but, instead Luka fell not me. I needed her to stay in because I wanted tosee Miku's reaction's on Luka and Rin getting close to each other in weird positions. Sadly that didn't happen and now it's just me and Rin, I guess I should let her win, I have no reason to win- "winner gets to be first in our next activity!" Really?! Welp sorry Rin, I must be first!

~time skip~
"Oof!" Rin decided to play dirty and kick me in the knee, knocking me down "Rin is the winner! Alright Rin so, you can choose the next activity!" "How about... truth or dare!" I guess we will play truth or dare next then. I have to find a way to make sure Luka and Miku dont start fighting, cause it is obvious Miku will fight Luka for Rin.

    ~I'm not cute! Rin x Miku~Where stories live. Discover now