I am not cute!

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(Sorry for such a weird title, I couldn't figure out what to put there.)

*beep beep beep* sounded Rin Kagamine's alarm clock. " *groan* Shut up..." said a tired Rin, but as she said that she remembered "Oh yeah! I have to meet Miku at the park today!" Rin hurried to get dressed, and all ready for the day, she didn't want to disappoint Miku by being late! "Alright, I'm off!" "Make sure to be back soon."  Len replies to Rin.

Rin's POV: This is bad! I'm gonna be ten minutes late to meet Miku, she is gonna hate me!

-time skip-
"Rin-chan! Over here!" I hear a voice yell to me. "Miku! I'm so sorry for being late! I accidentally slept in cause Len forgot to help wake me up!" As I speak Miku starts giggling a bit. "It's fine Rin, but you really shouldn't rely on Len to wake you up!" "I know Miku, but you know I am used to him waking me up in the mornings!" I can feel myself blushing out of embarrassment, I'm such an idiot to forget me and Len aren't kids anymore! " by the way Rin, do you wanna stay the night at my place tomorrow?" As I hear Miku say that, my eyes lit up. "You mean a sleepover!? I'd love to!" I say with maybe to much excitement. "That's great I'll be looking forward to it!"

Miku's POV:
I knew Rin would be excited, but she seems a bit, how do I say it? Overjoyed, over a simple sleepover between two girlfriends. THE FRIEND TYPE OF COURSE, YOU IDIOTS! "Actually I was just wondering, maybe we could invite Luka or Gumi over to hang out with us!" I know Rin probably won't want to hang out with just me... "really? I thought it would just be us two, but that would be fun too, I guess..." Well you sound disappointed Rin, are you sure!? "I guess it is final, we can invite Luka or Gumi over with us" "Wait, are we inviting both of them? I was just curios cause you said Luka or Gumi." Well, Rin is right I did say or... "how about we invite them both?" "That sounds like fun,the more the merrier!" Rin says with glee. I can feel my eyes light up at the sight of her joy "Rin, you are so cute when you are full of happiness!" "I am not!" "Yes you are!" You probably can tell where this is going, but in case you can't we just kept repeating the same words until finally, Rin gave up. "See?! You're also so cute when you look so disappointed because you lost!" "Miku, that's mean!" "That's also adorable!" "I AM NOT CUTE MIKU!" I kept on laughing and calling her cute until she brought up her roadroller, I had to give up on my mission to convince her she was cute, or else I would get flattened by a roadroller.

Nobody's POV:
For the rest if their day out they just decided to talk, walk around the park, get something to eat, and then walk around the park more. "Today was so much fun, thanks for hanging out with me Rin!" "Of course, but tomorrow will be even better!" Rin says with joy. After that they parted ways and decided to head back home.

Miku's POV:
"Dear diary today I had fun hanging out with Rin-chan, but how could I not have fun, I was hanging out with Rin-chan, the cute, energetic, happy, kind, and adorable Rin-chan. But of course, today again I felt some fluttering in my stomach. I know this seems iconic and stuff but, I cannot have feelings for Rin-chan! There is no way, we are just friends right? Nothing more nothing less. I can't let myself fall for her or else well, she probably wouldn't feel the same. She has Len-kun and she really seems to only need him... what should I do? Tomorrow we have a sleepover, with Gumi and Luka so, I shouldn't feel too nervous... I just really hope I can stop myself from loving Rin-chan..."

    (OLD AND RLLY EMBARRASSING) I'm not cute! Rin x Miku~ I'M REWRITING THIS RNOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora