Your final breath...

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Years later Rin and Miku are now in their 40s
Riku's child's POV:
"Take this!" My friend Lulu says, as she throws a snowball at me. "My turn!" I say and throw a snowball at her, I hit her in the head and she fell to the ground. I hear her start crying, then her mom Luka comes over and helps her up and calms her down. "I-I'm sorry Lulu, I didn't mean to hit you that hard!" I say as I run up to her. "I-it's okay, I forgive you." We hug and start joking around. Before long Lulu's dad, Gakupo, runs up to Luka with a worried expression on his face. "Luka, Rin just collapsed!" He says and I see my grandparent Rin on the ground. I run over to her leaving Lulu to follow me. "Grandma! Wake up!" I noticed her scarf was still around her neck, Miku, my other grandma, had the same scarf just a different color. I start crying while shaking Rin hoping she would wake up, but nothing worked. Len, my grandma's brother had run over to her and checked her pulse, he started sobbing afterwards, and I knew why. "Rin my dear sister, please you have so much time left, you can't leave us..." Len says while holding his sister in his arms.
Miku's POV:
I had been wandering around looking for everybody, they seemed to be nowhere. As I looked around more I found the others standing around Rin, she was being cradled by Len and everyone seemed to be crying. That's when it hit me, I had remembered Rin's disease and how it can cause harm to whoever has it if exposed to freezing temperatures. "Rin! W-what happened!?" "S-she just collapsed and seemed to not be breathing." Gakupo answers, obviously holding back tears. "R-Rin, please this is my fault! I should've remembered you shouldn't be exposed to freezing temperatures like this..." I drop to my knees and cry, my Rin-chan was gone... and it was all my fault. "M-mom it's not your fault!" Riku tries to help me but realizes nothing can stop me from believing Rin's death was my fault.
Time skip to the funeral (btw this will be short because I think I might start crying soon)
"My bestfriend, my shoulder to cry on, my wife, Rin was all of these, and I wish that was still what she was. We enjoyed a happy life together, I still remember the first song I made for her. I wish I could reverse time and prevent this from happening. Though who knows if fate had decided this, and she was destined to die at the age of 45." I finish my speech and start crying along with the crowd. I looked behind me and saw my wife Rin, peacefully sleeping for eternity. "I love you, my princess." I say my final words to her, plant a soft kiss on her hand and walk to my seat. The people we had hired then took Rin's coffin out the door, and to the cemetery behind the building we were in. Everybody had gathered around her grave with sad looks on their faces. Rin's coffin was then put into the ground and buried. I said my final goodbyes and went to find Riku so she could drive me home. "Mom, remember if you need anything call me, I will make sure to get here to help you." "Thanks Riku." "Okay then, bye mom, love you." "Love you too..." I waved to Riku and went into my home, headed to me and Rin's room, and started crying. I will miss her very much but, at least I got to live out the most memorable moments of my life with her. From the time we firstb found Luka, to when we had the sleepover, to when the tragedy that got is together happened, to our date where I proposed to her, to when I married her, to when we git Riku, and finally to when I would have to say goodbye to Rin and never see her again. Maybe in my years of being forgotten and left in the ashes of the past, I can find Rin again and we could live our lives together happily... "I will make sure to find you again, my dear..."

    (OLD AND RLLY EMBARRASSING) I'm not cute! Rin x Miku~ I'M REWRITING THIS RNWhere stories live. Discover now