Chapter Nine: The Rat and the Rose

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Eight days until the wedding.

With the blanket pulled up to my chin, I watch the ceiling fan. Running in circles, never stopping, never getting any where. I can't seem to look away, can't seem to move either.

Needles prick at my leg every time I shake it. There was no way that I could stand, let alone walk. So, here I lie, in my bed, wasting away.

I contemplate taking another Vicodin pill and have to constantly remind myself that I've already taken one an hour ago. I have to ease up on the amount I'm taking. My bottle is almost empty and I know that no pharmacy in town would give me a refill.

If the pain in my leg wasn't enough to keep me trapped in my room, then the prospect of seeing my family was. It was hard not to notice that all the laughter stopped when I came home last night. Small talk was all they could offer me, so its no surprise that I went to bed early.

My skin burns hot as I think about it again. I don't deserve their cold shoulder. Did they not see the bruising around my nose? Did they not realize that I was trying to fix it all?

This is ridiculous. I should march downstairs right now and demand they all here me out. They need to understand my side and let go of their childish behaviour.

I sit my body up, ready to confront my family, but unable to move my legs. I stare at them from under the covers, and feel them tingle every time I wriggle my toes. The pain was only going to get worse, it was just easier to stay here.

I wait four more minutes before realising that I couldn't stay in bed all day. If I let my legs beat me today, then what would I let win tomorrow?

Taking in a deep breath, I move the blankets away and expose my bare legs to cold air. I shake my big toe, taking in the spikes and mustering up the courage to move the rest. When I was ready, I sway my feet form side to side, and holding in my breath, I swing my legs over the side of my bed and was surprise to feel no pain.

My leg felt the same that it always had. No tingle. No needles. Nothing.

Feeling braver, I lean forward, sinking my toes with the carpet. My feet didn't last on the floor for long before I hear a loud shatter from downstairs that causes me to jump back onto my bed. 

Heart beating and my breath shaking, I stare at my door as if expecting someone to bust through. What were they all doing down there?

I hear foots steps downstairs and decide it was time inspect what disaster my family had waiting for me.

The reflection in the mirror nailed to the wall scares me as I walk past it. My dark brown hair frizzy and matted together in a clump. Bags hung beneath my eyes making the purple ring around my nose stick out more. Why did I have to look like this?

I attempt to fix how I look but everything I did just made it all worse. Accepting defeat, I sigh and leave my room behind.

"What are you guys doing down there?" I shout from above the stairs.

After accepting that they no one was going answer my question, I make my way down the stairs. Sliding my hand over the rail as I go, I tilt my head to the sight of my front door hanging wide open.

I stop upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, watching the door and looking around the house for anyone. Goosebumps form on my arms from the draft blowing in through the doorway. I shiver and decide to close the door.

Pain pricks at my feet as I walk towards the door and lock it shut. I need to take just one more pill. The pain won't go away. I thought it was over, I thought I was fine. I shake the thought out of my head, knowing very well that if I take another one that I won't have enough for the rest of the week.

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