08| Furry Little Being

Start from the beginning

He regards you cooly for a moment. "Wow," he says to himself then, "you're nothing like I expected."

You're not sure if he's mocking you simply because there's no amusement in his tone. But if he is, then it's definitely from the way you look right now.

"What did you expect?" You ask, folding your hands to your chest.

The question earns him to think for a moment. "Jungkook said you weren't right in the head. Like you needed help or something."

That dog.

"I'm perfectly alright," you demand.

"I can see that," he says, and then there's that teasing smile again on his lips that make you taper your eyes at him. "What's so funny?"

He shakes his head, grinning. "No, it's just funny how you manage to get under Jungkook's skin. Almost like a splinter," he says, "That guy isn't used to having anyone—a girl ruin his stuff."

Your eyebrows tip up. "Stuff?"

"Business," he quickly answers, tone seeming to avoid details. But couldn't just be business—that's not worth the dose of hatred Jungkook has for you.

Taehyung's head tilts to the side. "You have too much on your mind," he says, patting your head as if you're a little kid. "You'll be on your way home before you know it," he assures.

If that was true, you would have been home by now, cuddled up in your bed with fuzzy blankets, a bucket of rocky road ice cream, and—

"Anyway," he says, dismissing the topic. "I came by to give you some essentials." He gently puts Yeontan down before handing you his backpack. "And get ready. We're taking you out."

Something lights up in you at the thought of going out. But when you notice all the toiletries and clothes jumbled inside the heavy bag, you blush. How the hell does he know your size?

"Thanks but I'll pay you back," you promise desperately, "that is, when you let me get the hell out of here."

He laughs, the sound so natural you find a smile rising to your lips. You don't protest when Taehyung tells you they're taking you to some function. The reason you decide to go—the true, ultimate reason—is for food.

Good food, you hope.

The dress you choose is an elegant black one, the fabric falling loosely down your thighs into ruffles. The size isn't perfect, but it fits you well enough.

Since your hair is damp from the shower, you let it loose, pushing the curls back that fly behind like a carpet as you walk downstairs, following behind Taehyung like a lost puppy. You're wearing high-heels that Taehyung lends you—the size also not perfect. Regardless, you're grateful it makes you look a couple inches taller.

You waddle towards the living room where the men are scattered around like chickens on a farm. Junghyun turns to give you a look over, eyes slowly and obviously slipping up and down your figure.

Looking back at him, it takes everything in you to not burst out laughing. He's wearing a formal yellow shirt with a banana patterned bow that's larger than his collar. You press your lips together to stifle a grin.

Bananas? Really?

He walks toward you. "We're going to a party," he says, "not to distribute Bibles from door to door."

You roll your eyes. "And nor are we going to a circus," you retort, eyeing him down. "You look like a clown—ready to start juggling."

His cheeky grin drops, hand reaching up to scratch the nape of his neck. "Don't get me wrong," he mumbles nervously, "You look good. Heck, you would kill it even in a potato sack."

"I'm afraid I haven't made that experiment yet," you say, the conversation fading into thin air as the two of you walk towards the car.

Fairly, he doesn't look that bad at all. He would generally be taken for a man who'd make anyone stop in their tracks to get a second look at. You couldn't imagine how good he would look in a tux.

He opens the car door for you, but immediately, a hand slams it shut, making you jump back with a shriek.

"And where—" a voice breaks from behind, "do you think you're going?"

God fucking damn it.


A/N: Unedited. Omg, thank you for 1k views! U guys are insane <3

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