f r i e n d s h i p

371 5 0

*peace out*

I woke up from taking a nap in the lovesac to hear Carly and Natalie talking,

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I woke up from taking a nap in the lovesac to hear Carly and Natalie talking,

'Nat how am I supposed to know if y/n likes me?',

Carly whispered yelled at Natalie thinking that I was still asleep, I closed my eyes wanting to see where the conversation went,

'well how has she acted around you today?',

Natalie asked quite curiously, Carly paused before continuing,

'well you know she came into my room, sat on my lap, we made out for a bit, she-?',

Carly was listing everything I'd done today but was cut off by Natalie,

'wait what? she literally made out with you and you don't think she likes you?',

Natalie asked extremely confused, Carly stood up from where she was,

'It was a friendship kiss!',

Carly yelled quite loudly, I opened my eyes and sat up the attention was the diverted to me,

'it definitely wasn't you idiot!',

I yelled at Carly, Natalie began to laugh, I got up out of my seat walking over to Carly, I grabbed her face and pulled her in for another kiss, I went to pull away but Carly would let me, it was such a nice moment. Natalie walked up to us,

'that wasn't a friendship kiss',

Natalie said making Carly pull away, it made me smile,

'definitely wasn't',

Carly said smiling at me, I went to walk away not to sure what to do but Carly grabbed my hand pulling me back in close to her, it shocked me but made me smile. Natalie saw that I didn't know what to do, Natalie slowly backed away and went to the door,

'I'll leave you guys to talk about...things',

Natalie said not really knowing what to say as she left the room closing the door. Carly looked at me as I looked to the ground,

'I like you Carly a lot',

I stated somewhat mumbling what I said,

'yeah well I like you too',

Carly said, she began smiling at me before she pulled me in and began to kiss me again

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