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Heath, Matt, Mariah and my boyfriend, Zane were trying to brainstorm ideas for Zanes 300th video, Zane and I were cuddled up on the couch while the others were sat on the couch opposite,

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Heath, Matt, Mariah and my boyfriend, Zane were trying to brainstorm ideas for Zanes 300th video, Zane and I were cuddled up on the couch while the others were sat on the couch opposite,

'okay love birds and everyone else do we have any ideas for the 300th video because it needs to be at least mediocre?',

Heath said beginning to laugh, everyone including myself began to laugh but Zane. Zane pulled me in tighter and began to talk,

'y/n and I were thinking that we should finally announce that we are dating and-',

Zane said but was cut off when Mariah began to yell,

'Thank fuck for the that! does that mean I don't have to edit out all y'all cute freakin moments',

Mariah yelled, I looked up at Zane beginning to smile slowly nodding at the boys, Matt had a smile form on his face,

'that's how you should announce it, there should just be a section of all y'all cute moments',

Matt said smiling at us, I snuggled into Zane's chest more but I slowly began to panic,

'that's a good idea but what if it ruins the video or if none of the fans like that we're dating?',

I say with a bit of a shaky voice, Zane pressed a kiss into my forehead, Heath and Matt just looked at each other rolling their eyes,

'y/n the fans already ship y'all together, and who cares if they don't we all love you and that fact that you some how put up with this idiot!',

Matt said looking at Heath for him to finish the little speech,

'Why wouldn't they like you it's not like you've changed him and what you have changed needed to be changed no offence. Don't think about the fans just think about the fact that you guys can go out on actual dates and you guys don't have to either post mates food or eat Zane's terrible cooking, again no offence',

Heath went onto explain making me as well as everyone else laugh. I stood up off Zane and went and gave the boys and Mariah a hug. I went and sat back down cuddling up to Zane,

'okay so anymore ideas for the video ?',

I asked the boys, Zane smiled at me again,

'I honestly have no idea. I just can't wait to announce that we are dating to the fans which means we don't have to hide',

Zane said giving me a passionate kiss. Once we pulled away I turned back to where the others were to see that they weren't here, they had gone. I turned back to face Zane,

'who knew you could clear a room without farting?',

I said laughing at Zane, who couldn't stop smiling at me.

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