f a v o u r

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*this photo looks so awkward*

*this photo looks so awkward*

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

'can you do me a favour?',

I asked Natalie, she nodded her head somewhat reluctantly,

'can you buy me a pregnancy test?',

I mumbled out, Natalies jaw dropped and she stared at me intensely,

'can you just go buy me one that's all I'm asking? I literally can't go out with people coming towards me',

I said trying to explain why I needed her to get me one. She nodded and went to head out as soon as possible but she turned around before she left,

'yes but who?',

Natalie asked me crossing her arms. I looked at the ground,

'can I answer that once I see if I'm pregnant or not?,

I say as tears began to form in my eyes, she came towards me and gave me a hug, we stood their for a few minutes before Natalie quickly ran to her bathroom and came back with a pregnacy test in hand,

'I forgot I kept this for emergencies and this seems like an emergency',

Natalie said handing it to me. I ran to the bathroom and used the stick, I placed it on the counter going back to Natalie. The tears started forming again, there was silence as she hugged me, I pulled away,


I blurted out, Natalie's jaw dropped and she began to smile,

'I knew you guys were together',

Natalie said hugging me again, I began to actually cry,

'Nat what if I'm pregnant',

I said beginning to panic, Natalie pulled away,

'it will all be okay',

Natalie said. I left Natalie and quickly ran out of the room,

'y/n where are you going?!',

Natalie yelled following me, I quickly walked to David's room. Nat continued to follow me realizing what I was doing, I took a deep breath before knocking on his door, I knocked on the door and the tears began to fall. David came to the door and as soon as he realized I was crying the act of opening the door became urgent. He quickly opened the door and pulled me straight into his chest, he slightly let go once he saw Natalie,

'I know Dave',

Natalie said quite bluntly allowing David to pull me in tighter,

'what's going on baby?',

David asked me kissing my forward, I didn't say anything I just grabbed his hand and pulled him back to Natalie's room. David was extremely confused, I finally calmed down enough to be able to talk,

'David I',

I went to explain what was going gone but was cut off when Natalie opened the door to find Ilya freaking out,

'Nat do you want to explain what I found in the bathroom?',

Ilya said holding up a pregnancy test. Natalie didn't say anything but she looked at me,

'it's mine',

I said looking at the ground, Ilya out the test down and he slowly left the room pulling Nat out with him. I didn't make eye contact with David I just kept looking at the ground, I went to fall to the ground but David caught me before I actually hit the ground,

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry',

I mumbled to David, he pulled me in tight but then let go quickly grabbing the test and making his way back to me,

'y/n I love you and if you were pregnant that wouldn't change anything I would be with you through thick and thin',

David said, I looked up at him the tears stopping,


I asked questioning the way he said it, he looked down at the test, I read it, it bold letters it said not pregnant. I began to smile,

'David I want a future with you but I'm literally 19! I love you too',

I say, it being the first time we said it. He helped me stand up, pulling me in for another hug, he kissed me quite softly. The door was slowly pushed open, Natalie stood their with tears in her eyes,

'He's whipped',

Ilya yelled pointing at Natalie, making us laugh, I looked up at him,

'I suppose we should tell the others that we're together but I'm thinking of skipping the whole pregnancy scare?',

I say making David laugh, he kissed the top of my head again,

'Nah leave it in, it adds flavour',

David said as he grabbed my hand.

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