g i r l f r i e n d

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*rugged up*

I began to dance with my boyfriend Heath, well it was more grinding when Zane came running over

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I began to dance with my boyfriend Heath, well it was more grinding when Zane came running over. He pulled my arm and I pulled Heath with me, I wasn't to sure where we were going at first but when we arrived at where the drinks I knew where this was headed.

'let's do shotsss',

Zane yelled at me, I looked at Heath,

'go ahead baby girl, someone is going to have to get you guys home without any harm',

Heath said, slightly laughing. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek when I felt David's camera in my face, I ignored it and grabbed the shot of liquor in front of me. I quickly took it, it burned the back of my throat so I grabbed the can of coke that Heath had in his hand and took a swig of it.

'another one'

David yelled at the man serving drinks. I gave him a death stare,

'are you actually going to do one this time?',

I asked David, he quickly shook his head. Before I knew it Zane and I had downed 4 maybe 5 shots I wasn't to sure but I was extremely drunk.

'okay I think that's enough',

Heath said to Zane and I. I went to pull them both to the dance floor but practically fell to the ground but Heath was able to catch me before I hit the ground. I winked at him,

'wow your hot, are you single?',

I asked Heath, at first he thought I was joking but he soon realized that I was so intoxicated that I was genuinely asking.

'no sorry, I have a girlfriend',

Heath said trying to laugh. I began to cry on the floor as I heard him say he has a girlfriend, Heath began to laugh at me. David made his way back over to us,

'Dude why is y/n crying',

David asked Heath,

'she learnt that I had a girlfriend',

Heath said in between laughs, Josh was confused,

'but she's your girlfriend',

David stated still confused, he finally realized that I was so drunk I forgot that Heath was my boyfriend. David and Heath kept laughing as Zane was trying to pick me up off the floor but he was barely walking as well, it ended with Zane and I lying on the ground in the middle of this party.

'come on baby I think we should go'

Heath said before lifting me onto his shoulder, his was gripping onto my legs whilst my face had full view of his ass.

'Heath baby I love you also you got a cute ass'

I said barely able to construct a sentence as I slapped his ass causing him to jump a little. Josh was filming and explaining what was going on as Heath carried me to the passenger seat of David's Tesla . As he backed away from the car, I tied to make a run for it as I was in the mood for a little chaos with Zane. I made it about to meters before I felt two hands of my waist and my feet lift off of the ground as Heath picked me up,

'where do you think you're going baby?',

Heath asked me with a cheeky grin on his face.

' I was looking for Zane',

I said trying to make sense. Heath put me back in the car again and pointed to the seats behind me,


I yelled realizing he was behind me. I went to leap out of my seat and give Zane a hug but I was restricted by seat belt which I hadn't realized Heath had done up. Heath was standing in the door of the car, I mouthed the words 'come here' to him, he bent down to my height and I kissed him. I moved my hand to his ass and squeezed it completely shocking him, he pulled away,

'I told you, you got a cute ass',

I said giving Heath a bit of a cheeky grin, he kissed the top of my head before closing the door, making his way to the back seat.

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