q u i e t

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*his smile*

'keep quiet unless you wanna get caught',

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'keep quiet unless you wanna get caught',

Matt whispered to me as he literally pushed me into David's room.

'why do I have to keep quiet we aren't doing anything and we won't be do anything?!'

I yelled at Matt, I pushed him off of me,

'baby girl you can't be that mad at me',

Matt said giving me a smirk, I rolled my eyes,

'you're saying that I can't be mad about the fact that you haven't told you're brother nor any of our friends that we are dating and have been for nearly 3 months',

I whisper yelled at my boyfriend, he looked at the ground,

'exactly what I thought! I was fine with not telling anyone for the first few weeks as we wanted to make sure but you I like you Matt a lot and I want to show my boyfriend off',

I said to Matt as he began to smile at me nodding, I left the room pushing Matt out of the way, I made my way to the kitchen. He followed me but couldn't quite catch up to me as I was pretty far ahead of him. I stood on the kitchen table making everybody look at me,

'Public service announcement! I'm dating Matt and I have been for three months!',

I yelled at everyone around me, everybody began cheering I looked at Matt who was a little hard to read but he looked happy. Mike (he's one of Matt's friends. he's been in a few of David's vlogs) walked over to Matt, a look of panic came over my face but I jumped down from the table and made my way through our friends as they began speaking to me. I reached Matt and Mike, I awkwardly smiled towards my boyfriend and his best friend,

'so how we doing over here?',

I said awkwardly coming into the conversation, Matt and Mike smiled at me as I looked for approval,

'I'm happy for you y/n. Now I understand why Matt was so against me having a dream about you',

Mike said quite casually, I began to laugh, I looked at my boyfriend who looked a little annoyed, Matt grabbed my hand pulling me in close.

'now I can kiss my girlfriend whenever I want',

Matt said going to kiss me,

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