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I felt Heath's hand go up the side of my thigh up my skirt,

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I felt Heath's hand go up the side of my thigh up my skirt,


I quietly yelled, his hand didn't stop. I wanted this but not whilst our friends were literally all hanging out in the same room. I got up causing Jeath to smirk, knowing he got me riled up. I walk to where David and Zane were standing in the kitchen. I was enjoying listening to their conversation when I felt Heath behind me.

'sorry guys, excuse me I'm just gonna go and do something quickly',

I said excusing myself from the room, and walking back to where I was before.

'hey baby',

Heath said smirking at me, I didn't say anything, I just stared at him raising my eyebrow, he moved closer to me.

'later Heath, we have people here like quite a few people here, like too many to have a quickie without being noticed',

I said trying to explain what was running through my mind.

'are you sure? because I don't think you'll be able to wait that long',

Heath said kissing me after her finished what he was saying. I pulled away from the kiss and then soon walked away from him. I honestly didn't know how I was going to go tonight because I know that Heath is going to be trying everything he can to tease the hell out of me.

I said goodbye to a few of the people that came over, Heath had been teasing me for what felt like hours, he kept coming up behind me, touching my ass sometimes winking at me but mainly giving me 'the look'. I loved having friends over but I was happy they were leaving as I was getting impatient. I quickly pulled Heath towards our bedroom, but before we even got there Heath began to kiss me,

'let's get to the bedroom first',

I hissed in his ear. He pulled away and began to smile,

'who said it had to be on the bed?',

Heath asked, I didn't respond and just began smiling at him.

'don't ruin the couch',

I heard Zane yell walking up the stairs, clearly not everyone had cleared the space yet. Zane began to laugh and I did as well,

'I love you Zane but get out',

I yelled. Zane began to smile,

'have fun! y'all better name your child after me',

Zane yelled. Heath quickly pulled me to our room.

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