🧟‍♀️Season 2 - Ep.1: Scary-oke🧟‍♀️

Start from the beginning

He glanced back at Trigger, then pulled out a business card from his jacket, handing it to Dipper. "If you have evidence of these claims, we should talk."

There was a wide smile on his face. "We can talk right now!!! Please please, come in!!! I have so much to show you!!!"

Stan stood in front of him, letting out a laugh. "I'm sorry, agents, kid has an overactive imagination, and like sweating problems."

"Haha, zing!!!" Mabel exclaimed from behind the counter.

"Paranormal town stuff is just part of gift shop lore! Sells more tickets, you know?"

Soos placed stickers and headbands on the two men. "Boop boo- doop boop boop! Swag!"

Power had no reaction. "We have other spots to investigate, we'll be on our way."

He took a few of the Stan evidence before following. "I'm confiscating this for evidence."

"Smart move."

They began to walk out, Dipper running after them. "Wait!!! No, wait, we have so much to talk about!!!"

"Hold it, kiddo." Stan pulled him back over. "Trust me, the last thing you want around during a party is the cops." He took the business card away from him.  "I'm confiscating that card. Now how's about you go be a normal kid, flirt with a girl or steal a pie of a windowsill."

"But Grunkle Stan, you don't understand!!!"

"And don't go talking to those agents!!" With that, he left.

Dipper let out a groan. "Ugh, that could've been my big break..."

"Bro, maybe Grunkle Stan is right! We're throwing a party tonight! Can't you go one night without searching for aliens or raising the dead or whatever?" Mabel asked.

"I'm not gonna raise the dead, I just need a chance to show those agents my book."

"Pinetree, maybe this is a good thing." (y/n) started. "I mean, if they found out Leo and I weren't fully humans, we could be taken away for experiments, or to be dissected or something."

She did have a good point..

Mabel placed a hand on my shoulder. "Trust me, Dipper, the only book you'll need is tonight is right here!" She pulled out a book of karaoke songs, all three of us staring at her in silence. "Ah, c'mon! I say kara-, you say -oke!!! Kara-!!! Kara-!!! Kara-!!! ... I could do this all day!"

We soon went back home to get ready for the party. Leo basically only put on a leather jacket above his shirt, but I wanted to go for something a little different.

For this outfit, I went for more of a pinkish tone, and gave her a dress

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For this outfit, I went for more of a pinkish tone, and gave her a dress. Now, I'm not exactly the biggest fan of pink and dresses, but I do like how it looks on my character!

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