Urban Beauty Collection

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Angel is too excited 

Angel "We ready to roll fam, We got to go on over to Slauson Plaza, I got to make sure those delivery men dont pass up my school of hair design and nails and now make up"

Samantha "Moma you are already glowing. You will make your make up students so proud. Your skin is glowing. You have natural beauty. "

Angel "Thank you daughter. You have natural beauty too. Let's get packed up and headed on over to catch the rally. I dont want to miss Najee Ali motivational speech to Slauson and Crenshaw. Nip vision is to educate his followers and have them join Najee Ali movement."

Granny "You introducing your Urban Beauty Make Up Collection to the hood. Those hood females already wear too much make up. Hope you are teaching skin care too. Dont forget the oatmeal soap. It's a natural skin cleanser"

Angel " We out"


Najee Ali "It's been so rewarding to see the whole neighborhood put in work. Nip and Blac Sam we were more than happy to come on over to Slauson Plaza and put the finishing touches where ever needed. Thank you Mr. Lee for being in attendance. We finally me the owner who will one day make these two brothers vision of owning their own property come full circle" 

Nip "Thank you Najee for coming and giving us much wisdom that we needed to hear. Thank you for your help and putting our hood to work. I think they were more than willing to move furniture and paint and set the tables. Blac Sam and my whole family will be assisting the chefs in preparing a gluten free meal and some sugar free deserts as well. We want to show our love. Right peeps?"

Blac Sam "Yes, we got our volunteers already looking at these brand new menus sent over from different health food experts. They are encouraging us to try any of their choices. Can't wait until Granny and Moma and Samantha get's here. They going to love everything accomplished tonight. I know everybody has been encouraged and lifted in spirits. This rally was to bring about change. Nip and I see what needs to be done. You all must be willing to work with us. We have to remind our own mother, Angel to work with us. She thinks she the boss"

The crowd all gives out smiles and laughter until they spotted Angel, Samantha and Granny pulling up in their two thousand five Caddie. 

Angel went to go see if the volunteers had arranged her make up vanities the way she would have like them . If not, she was going to arrange them the way she wanted. 

Nip and Blac Sam hugged Granny and Samantha. Granny wanted to hear Najee Ali speak

"Finishing with your speech Mr. Najee Ali. I dont want to miss anything" she said in her soft voice 

Najee Ali "I was going to speak on gun violence in our community. It's so much more to our culture as a people. We must want more for our own brothers and sisters. See something...say something. Gang life is not the way although sometimes those dudes dont have family. They have all been eliminated. They join gangs to feel accepted. We must show our brotherhood love before they lose their family members. We must be God-mothers and God-fathers to them when they lose their real parents. "

"Amen, Najee Ali Amen"

Nip time to take the mic and touch on his leadership vision for Slauson and Crenshaw

"LIke Najee Ali touched on, this is our time. This is our community. All this gun violence has got to stop. I'm an active member but I show tough love. I'm always here for you. I know it sounds like double talk but we going to get through this together. My blue squad knows who they are. Shout outs to Keenon Jackson and my brother Blac Sam for always giving me guildance. Without them I would be a staight shooter too. They give me purpose and a mind to be a leader. There are others I want to thank. Thank you Nicole for being my book mate for our studies. For wanting to become the first female barber out of my Mom's Barber college. Thank you Cassandra for wanting to become a make up artist. We need productive and positive minds working to teach. Each one teach one. Thank you. Have fun touring the newly developed Slauson and Crenshaw Shooping Plaza. One day Mr. Lee will sell this parking lot to me and Blac Sam. Thank you. Oh go sign up for my mom's Barber College. She got your tuition online"

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