{10} Legends of Angels

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Destination Crenshaw is letting their light shine 

Angelique, Granny and Samantha getting ready to go on over to The Slauson PLaza because they want to make sure they get the designs they ordered for Angel's School of Hair Design second phase. Her new Make up line called Urban Beauty Make Up. She is really excited that she made money for thirty students that actually signed up for student loans. Just had to get her hustle on first. Since Nip and Blac Sam already at the strip plaza going from store to store. So they think, anyways a good thing all the new make up orders will be brought to their home except those new colorful vanities. Angel got to be at the plaza when they arrive. 

Granny ... "Angel you could have informed Nip and Blac Sam. Why you got to be so darn sneaky?"

Angel ... "Mother, I'm not. They dont need to see how I move all the time. They are men remember? Plus, Nip got alot of his hustling from me. I can not wait for DaWitt to make up his mind about stuff either. Either you with me or you not. Life goes on. You got to look a gift horse in the face"

Samantha ... "When the make up getting here? I can not wait to see what I'm going to be allowed to learn to apply. I'm wearing make up when I get twenty-one. Same age I will be allowed to drink" 

Granny ... "Ya'll act like the 'L' shape corner has alot of room for a huge mall. Nip might want to invest in The Super Mall. It's a lot bigger"

"Angel ... "He has mentioned that before. He and Blac Sam. So dont worry. Our family think big as we should. Nip got the new West coast look all sewed up"

Samantha ... "Speaking of sewing my drawings of Jersey dresses are going to be my own new designs. You know those form fitting nit shin tight dresses with football  and basketball numbers on them? I'm starting my own line and collection. Called Samantha's Jersey Dresses in all team colors. Starting with the Lakers. Nipsey favorite basketball team. I hope he is proud of me" she was beaming. So was Granny and Angel for Samantha. Finally created something on her own.

Granny ... "Call them Legendary Jersey and charge an arm and a leg for them. Make them run almost one hundred dollars apiece. Nip said his hoodies will be a hundred dollars apiece. His CD's will be a hundred dollars. Ballers got money"

Samantha ... "Granny, you just too hip for your age. I believe Nip and Blac Sam got a lot of their hustling from you as well"

Angel ... "I ordered you some that stretch jersey nit material in all Cali basketball teams logos. You need to make some samples before we go on over to the Slauson PLaza. I'm on the phone with Slauson Super Mall owners right now. Seeing if I can cut a deal behind Nip and Blac Sam's back. They like the color green over there and the color green is money"

Granny... "Angel you always was a traitor. Nip and Blac Sam going to find out. "

Angel ... "I can invest my fifteen thousand dollars where I see fit Mother. You my ride or die"

Samantha ... "I got time to go finish my designs I already started. Nip and Blac Sam thinks I'm lazy but I really want to be just like my big brothers. Own my own stuff"

Granny ... "Its a New Jersey delivery truck outside. It's as huge as one of those huge moving vans. Angel you ordered everything but the kitchen sink "

Angel ... "I ordered that too" she joked 

Delivery men ... "Ma'am, we have here alot of make up vanities and make up and boxes of sewing materials right? Some wig heads and whatever. Some maniquins and boxes, boxes, boxes"

Angel ... "Thank you bring in here the ones that have my address and take the ones that have 3420 Slauson Avenue over there please. When you get over there ask for a Mr. Lee. I believe he might be there for a rally going on. He will cut you another check for the balance. Tell him your company ask for a loan because you all delivered more than what was ordered"

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