Bad patients or a Bad Doctor?

Start from the beginning

For Swapfell.........this is a sight to behold. If only he can record this happens during stuck in this endless abyss.

"My~My, This is surprising~Who knew the cheerful monster can make children cry. Especially she was so brave to find me for help." Swapfell smirk as he walk towards them.

Swap would have answered back but the girl still struggle as her tears gone hiccup. Then he pause.

"Wait....what do you mean 'help'?" he look at his counterpart question.

"You heard me. The child bravely left the house ventured all the way to my home just to need help to cure whatever illness you all suffered. You should be proud of her instead of angry at her like that. And i thought Fell will be the one who makes her cry but you? This is rich Hehehe"

Swapfell taunt his counterpart makes Swap frown at him. But he has no time to fight him knowing it will frighten the girl even more. He sigh as he let it slide.

"Well at least you did good this time. 'Coughing '. " Swap coughing caught Swapfell attention.

"I can see your not well enough. You should go back to bed like the others. " said Swapfell being doctor mode now.

"Uh.. I-i-i think I'm alright for now.. I'll just take her inside and-"

Suddenly two small hands grasp both Swap and Swapfell bone forearms.

"(Y/n)!? W-what...a-are...u" Swap stuttered as he and Swapfell steady on the 5 year old hold.

For a small girl grip, she really is strong not to let go.

"No!" cried the girl.

" need to let" Swapfell also felt difficult in this awkward situation.

"No!.......Please don't fight anymore......Swapfell can help....please...." she pleaded with her wet tears stain on her chubby face.

Both Swap versions skeleton sigh at her stubbornness...... and her great caring. They manage to keep each others comment as they come inside the house together.

The moment 3 of them inside the house, a red bone suddenly appeared aiming at Swapfell. Fell who just get up yet had difficult time keep himself steady looking at the crazy scientist in anger.

"What the F#$k are you doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious? I came to help." Swapfell simply smile at him.



Everyone look at the small human with shock expression. This is a first time she shout at him of all Monster! (Y/n) look at him with a serious and angry expression on her face.

"I'm the one called him here. So please don't hate him now. You can hate him later but he can help you now.So please....."

Fell can see how devastate her chubby face held. He may not be good dealing with kids but he knows that children should not feel this way. Especially she has been trying her best to attend all of them alone.

He calm down feeling slight guilty on her account. For once, he do it for the kid. No matter how much he hate this arrogant Ba%$#rd.

"Tsk.....fine. I won't kill him, Squirt." said Fell while looking away.

The girl felt surprise thinking he wouldn't listen but a miracle happen he did. She quickly brush her tears and snot (eww) with her sleeve and smile at him.

"Thanks, Uncle Fell."

The tiny human walk away wanting to check on the rest of the Gaster's. Leaving Swapfell alone with Swap and Fell who still don't trust him. I mean......who could blame them after the incident he cause.

"Okay, 'Patient'. Let me examine each and every one of you." Swapfell gave a sickening sweet smile cause them felt uneasy about this.

"You first, Fell." he smirk at him.

The Edgy skeleton about to shout but Swap give him a signal 'DON'T' at him. Fell sigh as he let the psychopath skeleton check him. Surprisingly Swapfell treat every single one of them like 'real' doctors should.

He even offer Fell a lollipop for being a 'good boy'. Fell frown while Swap laugh at him while coughing.  Everyone is very good at corporate..........except for B.

The moment Swapfell step in his bedroom he growl at the doctor while his left eye socket glow green in the dark. But Swapfell did not faze as he simply said "Interesting". Luckily Swap and (Y/n) manage to calm him down before things get very serious. They told him Swapfell gonna help despite the blind monster didn't believe yet he corporate...somehow.

Other than B threaten him with a hiss or growl, he even tried to bite his bony fingers when he tried to check his tonsils. This makes the human girl confused, she learn from Raven that tonsils is an organ so why does Skeleton has one?

After everyone is check, Swapfell wrote something in his note as the little girl gave him coffee to encourage him. Swapfell surprise at the her kind gesture but he thank her as he drink. His eye socket open wide after he sip knowing how delicious the coffee she make it.

"This is a very good coffee. You really outdone yourself, little one~" he smiled cheeky at her.

"Heheh, thanks." she couldn't help but flattered at his comment like the innocent bean.

While he works the girl yawn quiet since she didn't want to wake the household full of sick skeletons. Now that you mention it..

"Since when did you sleep, little dove?"

(Y/n) raise her head looking at him.

"Um...since..3 o'clock in the afternoon?" she answer while playing with her fingers avoiding his gaze.

The cheeky skeleton smile sweetly at her and said,

"Your lying, little one~" he smile showing his shark teeth like Fells. That makes her nervous.

"Why is that?" she answer innocently but he saw through her.

"Because i can see you have eye bag on your eyes. Didn't you sleep much?"

He caught her red handed making her confess that she didn't sleep that much. She even secretly drink coffee while the rest of them sleeps in case they needs something. Taking care of them making the girl stress on many level.

Swapfell surprise how responsible the 5 year old is. From his experience with children, he knows they can be spoiled with crocodile tears and constant whining. Even his own children that he raise are acting like one. Though Papyrus does matured fast cause his the older brother but in the age of 10 or 11 years old.

He snap in a trance when he realize the girl making coffee herself while he was in a daze. Oh no...they'll be none of that!

"Nope!" said Swapfell as he snatch her coffee from her small hands.

"Huh?! But why?!" she whine protest at him.

"Because its past your bedtime. Look at the clock. Its 9.30 pm! Good girls go to bed early. C'mon, off to bed with you." He ushered her to go upstairs.

"Okay........." she accept defeat as she went upstairs get ready for bed.

As for Swapfell he smile deviously feels enjoy getting both coffee for the price of one. Like stealing candy from a baby~.

Yup! Thats the wrap everybody! How i wish i could finish sooner but many more i want to add on this little girl adventures in the void. And many things happens net in my mind.

Again sorry for the late updates but not because no ideas for the next chapters but times right now really difficult between jobs, families, careers, and the Covid-19.

If any readers love my updates on my fanfics you can give me a KO-FI in my account;

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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