"Wait, Debbie, I didn't mean it like that," he called after me.

I ignored him at first, until I finally registered what he said. "How do you know my name?" Thinking about it, how does everyone know my name?

"Why won't I know the girl that managed to best me at soccer?" Oh, that explains it. I turned back to him, seeing a half smile on his face.

"And don't you forget it," I teased, even sending him a playful wink. Maybe we're both egotistical pricks.  That seemed to ease the tension, his whole face brightening.

"Didn't you also come this year?" I asked, wondering how he'll be of any use to me.

"So?" He smoothly jaywalked to me. "I'm sure I know these streets more than you do."

I somehow highly doubt.

"Sure homeboy," I encouraged. He slid his arm around my shoulder. "Lead the way."

"Actually," someone else said from across the stre- I mean hall. "I think I'm gonna take it from here."

He strode closer, eyeing Noah's arm. I'm not the only one seeing this, right?

Noah's release from my shoulder made me think he saw that too. Is he-

The thought made me giddy for some reason and I eagerly placed Noah's arm back around my shoulder. What was I doing?

Noah seemed a bit shocked but instantly cooled down once I placed my hand on his chest.

"Actually," I repeated. "I'm going with Noah."

Noah looked between both of us and quickly backed away, arms in the air. "Look man, I don't want to come in between whatever you two have going on."

I rolled my eyes. Coward. "See you later tiger." He pointed his two index fingers at me before walking away.

No don't leave me with-

"So, why exactly did you need Noah's help?" Raymond asked, looking at me as though I was this tough puzzle that only he could solve.

"I didn't need Noah's help." I shifted my gaze to the floor, looking him in the eyes suddenly became a difficult task. "I just didn't know where to find the rakes."

His eyes bulged at that and his whole stature became tense. "Why would you need to find a rake?" I finally looked him in the eye and I couldn't believe what I saw.

He looked scared, but not for himself. For me.

This doesn't make any sense. "Just show me where the rakes are so I can get on with this stupid task." I didn't mean to sound so harsh but all I wanted to do was climb back in bed and sleep till tomorrow.

"Don't worry I'll get it for you," he rushed, zooming to the back of the school building before I could even reply. He's acting weird.

Should I follow him? But...he's so far away.

Deciding it's just best to remain in my spot and ask questions once he gets back, I massaged my head that had already started hurting from the thought of having to do work on a Sunday.

It usually wasn't this painful, but that punch I drank last night must've really done something to me.

Raymond finally came back with...two rakes? "I only needed one thank you," I explained, wondering why he'd bring a second one. Did he expect me to do double the work? Hell no.

"I know I'm giving you a hand." He leaned on the rake, giving me that cute boyish smile that somehow managed to seep into my heart. Damn he's good.

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