Chapter 2

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"You need to drive slower, Chris. You scare me every time we come here," Mark tells me as he arrives to the finish line.

"I'm fine, Mark. Relax. And just for the record, I won again!" I tell him and give him a cheeky smile and he sighs and shakes his head but ends up laughing in the end.

"God, what am I gonna do with you," he says and I smile.

"You love me really," I joke sticking out my tongue as he looks at me when he hears me.

"Of course I do. And you love me too," he states sticking his tongue back. The guy gives a signal and Mark leaves quickly leaving me there as I was not prepared.

"YAH!" I scream and he laughs loudly. I press the accelerator and I drive fast as I try to catch up. "Cheater."

Knowing I won't catch up seeing as he had many seconds on me I just tried to finish the track quickly, enjoying the feelings again.

I soon reach the finish line and scowl at him as he watched me pull up.

"That was a cheap shot," I tell him. He shrugs.

"Not denying that. Let's go for one more round and then let's go," he suggests as he checks the time. I nod and watch the guy to give the signal.

"Let's actually try and enjoy this lap, yeah?" I ask and he gives an 'okay' sign with his hand. The guy gives the signal and we nod at each other pressing the accelerator. We go at a decent speed staying by each other. We glance each other every so often and smile at each other. I'm really going to miss him. But who am I to hold him back. I'll just visit him later on or something. People come and go in life right? If we were meant to see each other we will. If we aren't then we won't. Even if we try who knows what can hold us back or help us come together.

After thinking so much I finally realize we've reached the finish line. I sigh and unbuckle myself only to look up to a hand. I smile at the owner and take it hoisting myself up.

"Why thank you, kind sir," I joke.

He bows and replies, "My pleasure, m'lady."

We laugh and take off our helmets and head to the member to return them and gather our things.

"That was fun," I say holding his arm and wrapping my arm around it as I walk with him with an extra hop to my step.

"It was. And I can tell you're happy from your jumpiness," he tells me noticing it.

"Mhm! I am! But you know what else?" I look up at him.

"You're hungry," he states smiling, knowing me all too well.

"Mmmmmhmmmm. Come on, let's go quickly so we don't hit lunch rush or traffic." I let go of his arm and run towards the car waving bye to the guy in the front. He waves back awkwardly making me laugh before pulling the handle of the car only to find out it's still locked. I look up at Mark with pouted lips and raised eyebrows.

"Just wait, would you?" He says as he clicks the alarm. It unlocks and I open the door and hop in quickly putting on my seatbelt. I look at him through the windshield and see him laugh. I love seeing him smile and laugh. I mean isn't that normal? Right? Of course it is.

"You're slow, today," I complain as he opens his door.

"You're crazy, impatient and hyper, today," he lists off as he climbs in and starts the engine. He closes his door and puts on his seatbelt and backs out of the parking and heads toward the freeway back.

"I know. It's weird. I think it's cause it's today. Do you get me?" I ask him as he switches towards the fast lanes.

"Yeah, I get you. Let's not think about it. We still have six-ish hours left," he tells me as the mood became darker.

TIME: Mark Tuan editionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant