Chapter 15 ◈ Memory Lane

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I was falling down

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I was falling down.




I screamed, but no sound came out from my lips. Frightened and confused, I tried moving my limbs a little, but they were numb and frozen like ice. My body was spread out on all sides and I was still falling down the endless void, and I didn't seem to stop anytime soon.

When would it ever end? This is kind of bothering me now.

Instead of worrying further, I roamed my eyes around the place to examine where I was. There wasn't much to see, only darkness and darkness beyond.

Why did I even want to see Ben's memories in the first place? I'm really becoming too curious for my own good.

Before I could think of an answer, I felt my back land on a cold, smooth surface, which sent a shiver down my spine. I tried wiggling my fingers and they moved, unfreezing from their petrified state. I then slid my hand across the alien surface, feeling small squares on my fingertips.

Tiles? Am I lying down on a tiled floor? That's weird.

I slowly sat up and as soon as I did, blinding lights started to appear above me, revealing a corridor with colored doors.

And there were a lot of them.

The plain corridor had no turns and it seemed to have no end at all.

Curious, I walked towards the nearest door I was standing from. It was a white one and looked like it was newly painted. I held the bronze knob and turned it. The door swung open.

Uncle Ben was on the hospital bed beside me, hugging me tightly. Tears streamed down his face and his lips started moving, like he was saying something. I was sobbing uncontrollably.

I was shocked because the scene was happening in front of my eyes.

I just stood there by the door, unsure of what I was going to do. Both Ben and my other self didn't seem to notice me standing awkwardly outside. I waved my hand around to catch their attention but they just continued embracing each other.

Then it dawned upon me.

They can't see me because this is just a memory. Ben's memory. A recent one at that.

With nothing else to do, I closed the door behind me and looked once more at the corridor in front of me.

Corridor? It was more like a lane. . .

I trudged onward, checking each and every door along the way looking for Ben's memory with Athena.

As I did, I noticed that the doors' colors varied from time to time as I peeked at each of them. There were three main colors: white, gray and black. From what I have deduced, the white doors represented good memories, the gray ones neutral, and the black ones bad.

Rise of the New Olympians (TNOS #1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя