Chapter 43 ◈ Flames of Betrayal

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My jaw went slack

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My jaw went slack. "W-What? But there are people in here! The servants, the guards—"

"And the Rogues too." His expression hardened. "The second they took you, they declared war. So, we'll give back the favor to them."

I fumbled for an excuse. "B-But what about the Artifacts? It will be destroyed in the explosion!"

He shook his head. "The Artifacts are virtually indestructible, Ames. We'll look for them once the fire clears up everything."

He took my arm once more and dragged me along to the window at the other side of the room, but this time, I let him take me as my mind went blank at his words.

No. I can't let them burn down the mansion or kill off the Rogues. Not that I've just known the truth.

Zeus was about to reach for the window when I gripped his arm with both of my hands and pulled him away from it, making him stumble.

He frowned. "What are you doing, Ames? We're wasting time. The Rogues might be here any minute."

I clenched my fists. "I can't let you guys blow the mansion up. It's too. . . much."

"What are you talking about? The Rogues kidnapped you, for goodness' sake!" he said. "Wait. Don't tell me you're having that syndrome thing that Athena said to me earlier."

"I don't have Stockholm syndrome!" My hand itched to put a palm over my face. "I— You don't understand! This mansion, it's my father's—"

He raised a hand up, gesturing me to keep quiet. I huffed as he put two fingers over his ear and paused.

"Yeah, sis. I can hear you." Zeus glanced at me. "She's here with me. Don't worry, she's pretty much fine."

Another pause.

"Okay. . . Okay," he said. "Got it."

He put down his hand and took a deep breath.

I raised a brow. "What did your sister say?"

"We really have to get out of here." He gazed at me square in the eye. "There's five minutes left till the bombs explode."

"No!" I stomped my foot. "You've got to tell Athena to disarm the bombs! People will get hurt!"

Zeus tilted his head. "Why are you persistent on stopping this, Ames? When we knew that you were gone, we were worried sick about you. At first we thought the Rogues. . . killed you, but then the tracker Athena put on you began moving to the ocean—"

"Tracker? What tracker?" I patted around my body.

He pointed at my chest. "She put it on your necklace."

"What?" I pulled out my necklace, and sure enough, there was a tiny red dot stuck behind the pendant. It blinked as if winking at me.

"How did I not see this before?" I muttered.

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