Soon, I was also keeping my things inside of my bag. I stood up and grabbed the coat that was hanging on the back rest of my chair. I put it on and slung my school bag on my chest as I walked over the exit as I proceeded downstairs to the shoe lockers.

Club was cancelled today since the teachers announced that they will be inspecting the gym, maybe for damage and other stuff. 

Bokuto was not happy about that. He actually began shouting and babbling about him being out of shape and his body will probably forget how to play volleyball just because club was cancelled for one day.

It was a pain-in-the-ass. We had to convince him that he will still be the same even if he doesn't play volleyball for one day. And also, we bought him chocolates so he could calm down. 

It worked. It did calm him down, the only problem was he had sugar rush and had been very unnecessarily excited for approximately twenty-hours and on going. 

The chocolate that he ate yesterday was still in effect, meaning he still had the sugar rush inside his system. It was complete chaos. 

Bokuto was currently being handled by Konoha and the others and now I had to go home before they pass the responsibility of baby siting my senpai to me.

I finally reached the shoe lockers and I was now changing my shoes. I sat down on the elevated floor and began doing so.

I was actually focused on putting on my shoes that I didn't notice that a person was now standing in front of me.

I looked up and saw Katsumi smiling her usual toothy grin. She was looking down at me and her hands were on her hips. Her hair and uniform was slightly damp wet.

"Katsumi-san," I said as I hurriedly put the other shoe and stood up. We were now looking at each other within eye-level, well not exactly since I was a bit taller than her.

"I was looking for you, Akaashi-san." she said. I slightly raised an eyebrow up, "Is that your way of saying that you dashed under the rain just to find me?"

"Well..." she paused as she chuckled. "You're not wrong."

I sighed as I brought out my handkerchief from my pocket, "Where did you even look?"

"I looked for you in the courtyard." she answered. I brought the piece of cloth to her hair to dry it slightly. "Did you really think that I would go to the courtyard even if it's raining this hard?"

"Well you're a lot more unpredictable than you know." she smirked as I continued drying her long hair. "And besides, I don't have a notebook that could see in the future."

"Haha, very funny." I deadpanned as I now roughly dried her hair. Katsumi just laughed. 

"Just..." I began. Now, I brought the cloth to her face to wipe the remnants of water from it. "Just don't run under the rain next time. You might catch a cold."

"Okay~" was her response as she smiled sweetly. I was wiping her left cheek and her left eye was closed. Katsumi looked like a child and it was cute. It kind of made my heart skip a beat, kind of. 

"Why are you looking for me anyway?" I asked her as I wiped my handkerchief on her face one last time before folding it and shoving it back to my pocket. 

"Well that's because you just suddenly disappeared from the classroom and I didn't even know where you went!" she pouted as she crossed her arms. 

She now turned her head away from me, still pouting. "I thought that you might have gone home without even saying goodbye to me."

"Is that the reason why you were looking for me?" I asked her. Katsumi turned her back towards me, her lips still pouty. She slowly nodded her head.

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