Chapter 21

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It's been a few days since the festival ended

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It's been a few days since the festival ended. It was back to our original schedule. Morning practices, classes, then after-school practices. Everything was normal and nothing unusual happened, until today.

"Konoha-san," I called out to him. "Where's Bokuto-san?"

It was time for afternoon practice, all of us were already present in the gym in our club clothes except for Bokuto who was no where to be found. 

"Oh," was Konoha's first response. "I think he went to the forest or something."

"He WHAT?" I asked, completely surprised at what he just said. "Why would he do that?"

"I don't know either, man. Just when the last bell rang he mumbled something like, 'The forest is calling me' then he suddenly sprinted out of the room. Take note, the teacher was still there and she just watched him go away." he said with a shrug.

I facepalmed and mumbled, "Bokuto-san, what on Earth do you think you're doing?" 

"Apparently, I think he has a wild animal as his spirit animal." Komi commented as he wiped a sweat from his forehead using his forearm. "I can't argue with that." I replied. 

Suddenly, the metal door opened with a loud creak and bang. All heads turned to the entrance which revealed Bokuto.

Bokuto was panting and he was still wearing his school uniform and lots of leaves and small twigs were attached everywhere on his body. He really did go to the forest. Seriously, this guy.

"Yo everyone!" he shouted at us enthusiastically with an exaggerated arm wave. Worried, I quickly ran up to him and grabbed his arm.

"Bokuto-san, where did you go?" I asked with slightly furrowed eyebrows. But Bokuto ignored my question and exclaimed, "Oh! Akaashi!" and he quickly wrapped his buff arms around my body as he hugged me tightly. 

It was like he hadn't seen me for years when in reality we just saw each other few hours ago.

The tight hug ended briefly and he quickly let me go, a big smile on his face. He began explaining, "I came from the forest nearby! It was big and spacious! And there are also lots of plants and animals there!"

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