Chapter 13

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After the crappy mascot thing me and Katsumi have done few days, the club was able to attract few first-years

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After the crappy mascot thing me and Katsumi have done few days, the club was able to attract few first-years. They weren't many, but they were enough.

"Bokuto-san!" I yelled at him as I dragged my feet of the floor to toss the ball to him. He withdrew his arms to his back and jumped on his heels. 

Bokuto lifted off the ground and spiked the tossed ball with overwhelming strength. The ball hit the other side of the court with a loud thud.

"YEAH!" Bokuto shouted from top of his lungs. "Akaashi! Did you see that?! Did you see my awesome powerful spike?! Did you see it?! Huh? Huh!?"

"Yes, I did Bokuto-san. Amazing." I said emotionless. Bokuto looked very happy as he erupted in his signature laughter. "I am truly the best! Hey, hey, hey!"

I only sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Konoha by my side. "Akaashi, you can ignore Bokuto sometimes."

"I prefer not to. He usually slumps and holds tantrums when he's left ignored." I explained. "And he also hides my underwear when he's upset with me."

Konoha made a disgusted expression as he inched away from me. "Seriously?" I only nodded at him. "Then, hide his underwear too when he hides yours."

"I already did that. But he found it within mere seconds." I stated. He looked at me, more confusion on his face. "He sniffed the whole gym to find his underwear."

"That's pure disgusting." Konoha grimaced. "It's either Bokuto has a good sense of smell or his underwear stinks."

"It was both." I said as matter-of-factly. "You smelled his underwear?!"

"I unintentionally took a whiff, thank you very much. It smelled like rotten eggs."

"Oh my God. Stop, just stop." Konoha put a hand on his face as he wagged his free hand on me. "Something is definitely wrong with the two of you."

I looked around the gym and noticed that someone from the group was not present. "Konoha-san, have you seen Katsumi-san?"

Konoha only smirked as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Oho? Do you miss her already?"

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