Chapter 7

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Our week-long summer vacation finally started

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Our week-long summer vacation finally started. And the Fukurodani volleyball club will spend our precious summer vacation at a training camp in Shinzen High School. 

Katsumi wanted to go with us. But since she was in the girls' volleyball club, our coach didn't approve of her tugging along. But somehow, she was still able to go to the training camp with us.

"Hey Katsumi," Konoha started to ask Katsumi. "How did you make our coach agree for you to come with us?"

"Oh that's simple." she answered. Suddenly, she smirked making her face look scary as she started to emit a dark aura. "I have my own methods."

"Katsumi, don't make it sound you did something so inappropriate to the coach!"

"Just kidding!" Katsumi said as she stuck her tongue out while knocking her head using her fist. "Those things shouldn't be used as a joke! Akaashi! Can you scold at Katsumi?!"

I tiredly looked at them as I blinked stupidly. I nodded at Konoha's request and approached Katsumi. I rested a hand on top of her shoulder and said, "Katsumi-san, well done..."

"Thank you, Akaashi-san!"

"I said scold! Not encourage!"

"Ah Konoha-san. I don't know how to scold at people." I said honestly. "Huh?! What the hell are you talking about?! If I remembered correctly when you scolded at Bokuto you depressed the hell out of him! You even made him sit on his legs on the floor back then!"

"Ah. I wasn't scolding at him. I was giving him a pep talk."

"Well it doesn't look like that to me!" Konoha yelled at me as I just blinked stupidly at him.

"Oi Katsumi," Bokuto called for her little sister. "Can you buy me soda? I saw a convenience store on our way here." 

"Alright!" she answered as Bokuto handed her money and she went running out of the school grounds. After few matches from the other teams, Katsumi finally came back carrying popsicles.

"Oi Katsumi. Where's my soda?" Bokuto asked as he noticed that Katsumi didn't bring back soda. "Oh. I was in a mood for ice cream so I brought Garigari-kun popsicle soda flavor."

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