Chapter 14

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The alarm from my phone started alarming

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The alarm from my phone started alarming. I slowly fluttered my eyes open, the ceiling of my room welcomed the groggy Akaashi in the early morning. 

"I'm still sleepy..." I thought to myself.

Suddenly, Fukuro leaned her head at me and hooted. She was standing on my stomach, her sharp talons slightly piercing my skin through my clothes and covers. 

I smiled as I gently ruffled her feathers. "Good morning, Fukuro." She hooted in response, slightly spreading her wide wings.

I brought the blanket on my face and said, "I'll sleep some more."

Fukuro let out what seemed like an angry hoot and began pecking my face that was underneath the covers.

"Ow, ow! Stop! I'm kidding." I began shielding my face using my hands and chuckled. Fukuro looked like she was glaring at me and turned her head to the side.

"She's just like Bokuto-san...." I thought.

"I'm kidding, okay? Here, I'm going to get ready now." I said as I slowly began to sat up. She flew a little and landed on the mattress. 

She wouldn't even look at me, her head had already turned 180 degrees to the back of her body.

"Yep, just like Bokuto-san. I wonder if he could also turn his head like that." I thought to myself once again while imagining Bokuto bringing his fist in the air, a hand on my chin.

I only chuckled at her as I patted her head and began making my way to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I heard wings flapping and before I knew it Fukuro landed on top of my head and made herself at home. 

I only looked up using my eyes. "You know that you're gonna slow me down if you stayed there while I make breakfast, right?"

I only heard Fukuro hoot, as if saying "I don't care."

I only sighed, "What a pain-in-the-ass."

I received a painful peck from her hard beak in response. "Ow?!"

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