Chapter 3

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It's been a few months after me enrolling to Fukurodani Academy

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It's been a few months after me enrolling to Fukurodani Academy.

I'm already used to club practices and everyone's personalities and moods. And when I mean everyone, I mean Kotaro Bokuto.

Bokuto had very intense mood swings when we're playing. And most of the time, they get in the way of our plays.

But one time when I managed to brought Bokuto up when he was breaking down, everybody was actually amazed at me and told me to keep it up.

And with that I did my best predicting what Bokuto will do or feel at a certain day.

Although I have to be honest, I think I was overdoing it.

While practicing, Bokuto was in a good mood and was a little energetic so he started showing off by suddenly dancing. However, he was a amateur dancer so he sprained his ankle.

"Ow! My foot hurts!" Bokuto shouted dramatically as he held his injured foot.

"Oi! Somebody get a medical-!" Konoha stopped himself when he saw me holding a medical kit and wearing a lab coat and goggles. 

"Don't worry everyone. I figured out this would happen so I brought my medical supplies." I said nonchalantly. 

"Gah Akaashi! Dude, are you going to perform a surgery?! Bokuto just sprained his ankle!"

And there were also times that I really really overdid it. I regretted nothing though.

One day after practicing, the sky suddenly started pouring. Everyone had brought their umbrellas except Bokuto.

"Argh! I forgot my umbrella!" Bokuto said in frustration.

"I knew this would happen so I brought an extra umbrella with me." I said as I handed Bokuto the umbrella.

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