>>Haven't You Ever Played a Video Game?<<

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     We had decided to rest that night, get our shit together and heal before we headed out again. Originally we were supposed to head out the next morning, but Mark woke up really sick. So instead of that morning, we ended up staying in my flat for an additional three days. Needless to say, I'm glad I'm such an impulsive buyer when it comes to food, and luckily I had enough medical supplies to take care of everyone. Of course, it gave us all time to recover but it took a lot of time out of whatever allotted amount we had left. There was no telling how much time we actually had in this nightmare, or what was going to happen to us next.

     "Mark are you sure you're feeling well enough to leave?" Ethan looked at Mark from across the kitchen as he stood leaning against the sink. Mark looked up to him from a bar stool with such a face that looked almost insulted. 

     "Of course I am. I'm not weak, I have enough strength. I didn't spend the last three days in bed for no reason." He said, Felix walking into the room from the living room. "Are YOU sure you're feeling well enough to leave?" 

     Ethan rolled his eyes and scoffed, turning around to the sink and washing his cup out he'd used for breakfast. "Hey Ethan?" Felix spoke up, walking up next to me with his dishes in hand. We were all three by the sink, Felix and I now just waiting for Ethan to move out of the way so we could take care of our dishes. 

     "What's up?" Ethan responded, finally moving aside from the sink.

     "Oh nothing, you moved." Felix teased, receiving a playful punch in the shoulder from Ethan. 

"Hey I was next!" I pouted trying to bump him out of the way with my hip.

"Well you were too slow!" Felix retorted, turning the faucet on and running his dish under the water. 

"What?! It's my house, Felixxxx!" I whined, finally pushing him out of the way but only just as he had finished cleaning up after himself. "Oh come on!" 

All I received in return was a shrug and Mark shaking his head with a smile sneaking up on his face. We had become more playful the longer we had been stuck up in this house together. But it was about to end since we really needed to leave and figure out what the hell was going on. I didn't own an endless supply of food, no matter how much I had been hoarding before.

"Guys, you know it's time to leave, right?" Mark piped up, standing from his seat with a hand placed on his hip. "We can't stay here. Any longer and something bad could happen." 

Ethan shook his head in agreement, lowering his chin. He knew what Mark had said was right, there was no guaranteed safety.

"Why? We've been here for a few days and nothing has happened yet." Felix argued, only to get silence in response. "Look, I know you guys might think there's something out there that we need to do, but there's a chance we would be way better off just staying in place."

"No, I think Mark's right. We need to leave. Felix, I know you like to play it safe when it comes to these types of situations...but that's not always the right way to go..." I told him, damn well knowing Felix is hard headed and didn't want to risk anything. 

"Guys, seriously. We've already lost one person. We don't need to go out there and lose anyone else!" Felix yelled out. 


"Get all the necessary things together. We leave in 30 minutes." Mark stated plainly, walking out of the room. Ethan kept his head hung low as he followed after Mark to get his things, leaving just Felix and I in the room. Walking over to him, I wrapped my arms around his torso. He tried to push me away, but I only hugged onto him tighter. "I know you miss him, I do too...but I think we can get him back if we just do what Mark says. I don't know why, but I trust Mark with this. I have no other choice but to hope he knows what he's doing..."

D̶̫̆ ̵̣̂Ě̷̫ ̸͚̽M̷͘͜ ̴͍̈Ȏ̵̬ ̶̘͝N̵͔͆ ̴͖͑  (Horror/Ego x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon