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     I woke up to the sound of shattering glass coming from the living room. I hadn't been able to get much sleep because it felt as if I'd already been so well rested, plus the nightmares I was having kept me up...But just when I'd finally been able to fall into a deep sleep, it was already morning time and something was breaking into the house. I took no time getting out of bed and grabbing the katana I'd taken from Felix's house to investigate the noise. It wouldn't have been hard to catch whatever it was since it was broad daylight out, but I ran as quietly as I could down the hall to see what it was. I didn't want it getting to Felix before I was able to see what or who it was.

     I held my breath as I peeked around the corner of the hallway door frame with the katana held close to my chest, ready to strike if need be. I saw a man crawling through the window, but I stood my ground until I was able to see a face. My breath released in a long sigh of relief, seeing that familiar golden skin tone on Mark's face. I dropped the katana and ran up to him, more than likely scaring the shit out of him. His body jumped and he let out a yelp of surprise before realizing it was me who was latched onto his torso before he relaxed and hugged me. 

     "Thank god you guys are actually here. We couldn't get through the door so we came around to the window." He released me as a bat came hurling through the window onto the floor in front of us, followed by Ethan. "Hope we didn't scare you too much."

     My warm smile let him know I was relieved to see that it was the two of them. "Don't worry about it. I'm glad you guys are okay." Looking over to Ethan, I noticed the many bruises and scratches all over him, then noticing the bruises up and down Mark's arm as well as one big one on his cheek. "You are okay...right?"

     "Yeah we're alright...we just ran into some problems.." Mark said just as Ethan slapped a hand down on his shoulder, looking over him to speak to me. 

     "Word of advice, don't go out at night!" Ethan exclaimed before walking towards the living room seeing Felix fast asleep underneath a heavy navy blue blanket. He slumped himself down into one of the chairs next to the couch while Mark and I followed in behind him.

     "What goes on at night..?" I asked curiously, but saw that Ethan had immediately fallen asleep in the chair. Must've been a long night.. Ethan looked like he hadn't slept in days. 

     "He hasn't." Mark said without thinking, sitting himself down on the loveseat on the opposite side of the room. 


"The night is pretty scary. I wouldn't advise going out. Just like Ethan said." His eyes widened for a single moment before realizing what he had said before.

"No, what did you say before?" I retorted, seeing that he ignored my question.

Yet again, Mark looked up to me and changed the subject again. "Do you have a glass of water?" He asked, his eyes sparkling. His lips were extremely chapped, I assumed he hadn't thought to bring water bottles with him on the way here from where ever they had come from.

     I walked into the kitchen shaking my head, looking for a glass of water. I shook the thoughts out of my head, he was probably just severely dehydrated. I reached up into the cabinet and filled up a glass of water, bringing it back to him and sitting on the loveseat next to him. "So, where did you guys come from? Must've been a long ways away if it took you all night to get here."

"Actually, we came from Sean's house." Mark said as I handed off the glass of water to him. He took a big gulp and let a refreshing sigh out, going in for another.

D̶̫̆ ̵̣̂Ě̷̫ ̸͚̽M̷͘͜ ̴͍̈Ȏ̵̬ ̶̘͝N̵͔͆ ̴͖͑  (Horror/Ego x reader)Where stories live. Discover now