>To Ethan, We Go<

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     Mark had explored the seemingly abandoned hotel. Despite the peculiarity, he was content on gathering as many things as he saw 'necessary' and getting the hell out of there. The tan military style bag he had found in the hall was carried across his chest, with his own black backpack sitting underneath that in normal fashion. He found another bat conveniently leaning against the front desk as he was exiting the building, which he of course took. He had looked closer at the photos he found of Sean's room and Ethan, each getting progressively more chaotic every time he glanced at it. After a while, Mark couldn't look at them any longer for his own mind's sake since it only made him even more angry each glance, so he shoved it into his wallet that he stuffed away into his back pants pocket.

     He knew that the hotel and city were both altered majorly by Anti, but had no idea of the severity until he ventured out into the city towards Sean's house. There was nothing. The only sign of life in the past few decades it seemed like was the birds and a few rats that scurried around the streets and sewer lines. All the buildings were overgrown with moss and mold, vines intruding every crack it could manage to squeeze itself through. It was very clear that this place has been uninhabited for a very long time. This world seemed almost apocalyptic.

     The way to Sean's house wasn't hard to navigate, since in his reality he had just been there. Walking, it took much longer to get there, but he was traveling as fast as he could. He was passing what seemed to be an old gas station when he found a motorcycle in surprisingly good condition. He had never driven one before, but it couldn't be that  hard, right? 

     After a few tries, he finally got it to start and he took off in the direction that would lead him to Ethan. Mark had a classic watch on his wrist in place of the Apple Watch that he typically wore. It had taken him about a 30 minute walk to finally arrive at Sean's home, but he made it nonetheless. He pulled the bat from the strap on his bag, which he wasted no time with bursting Sean's front door open. Of course, the door had been locked so he smashed the bat into the door knob a few more good times before it finally broke off and the door slammed open. 

     He listened closely to the sounds of the house as he slowly crept his way through the front hallway on his way to the main part of the house. The interior, unlike the rest of the world and much like the hotel room, was still in new condition as if it hadn't been affected by whatever effect Anti had put onto this world.

     Breaking the silence, a squeaky voice let out a cry from Sean's bedroom, which struck Mark with emotion. Not sure if it was rage or panic, or maybe even fear, he ran through the kitchen and through the hallway connected into the room. "Ethan?" He called out as he was mid step about to enter the room. Just before he was able to step a foot into the carpeted bedroom floor, the door slammed shut, knocking him backwards. 

     "M-mark?" Ethan said with a scared and shaky voice as if he was near sobbing.

     "Ethan! Open the door!" He said, yanking on the door handle, desperately trying to get it to open. 

     "Mark! You gotta help me, man- I-I was wrong!" Ethan called crying out to him. "Please.." 

     Mark didn't think twice before swinging the bat down onto the door. Shards of wood went flying as he could peek into the room through a small hole he had made in the door. Through the cracks in the wood, he saw a figure that he presumed was Anti, pinning Ethan's arms to the ground with his knees as he held a knife in the air above his thrashing body.

     "Get the fuck off him!" Mark screamed out with pure rage as he slammed the bat harder than ever into the door handle just like he did to the front door. Once the door handle was completely broken off from just one hit, he pulled his foot up and kicked the door open violently. He swung the bat at what he thought would be Anti, but instead swung the bat straight through the air. Anti was gone, but Ethan was lying on the floor with his hands held up in front of his small frame as he sobbed, looking as if he were bracing himself for the impact of the knife that was there just a moment before. 

D̶̫̆ ̵̣̂Ě̷̫ ̸͚̽M̷͘͜ ̴͍̈Ȏ̵̬ ̶̘͝N̵͔͆ ̴͖͑  (Horror/Ego x reader)Where stories live. Discover now