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     Felix took (Y/n) by the wrist and pulled her towards the noise of breaking glass. The two ended up in the kitchen, seeing shards of a broken glass vase cover the white tiled floor. Felix noticed the bat in Mark's grasp and the sweat beading down his forehead. It was only Ethan and Mark standing there, so what was he swinging at?

     "What the hell, Mark?"

     "He was in here." Mark stated plainly, raising his shoulders in a shrugging motion. 

     "No shit, where did you get the bat from?" Felix asked.

     "It's was just sitting against the corner. Why are you holding (Y/n)'s wrist?" Mark questioned.

     Felix looked down at his hand still grasping her wrist and let go. "Oh, I didn't notice I hadn't let go."

     "He doesn't just leave bats lying around. That's odd.." (Y/n) said. She knew something was weird about the situation, as she spent majority of her time in Sean's home. She never once noticed just a random bat lying around, even more strangely in the kitchen. But they had bigger things to worry about.

     "Look, he was in here. This is freaky as FUCK man! What are we even supposed to do about this?" Ethan asked. He was completely freaked out by the events that had taken place so far, only if he knew it would only get stranger and stranger.

     "Ethan, we-" (Y/n) started, but was cut off.

     "No! I don't understand this. The cops came in this house and SEARCHED it. And you're telling me they didn't see even a DROP of that blood that was in Sean's bathroom?" He yelled, throwing his hands in the air. He was lashing out because he was afraid, and would have just been attacked if Mark weren't there with the bat to prevent it. 

     "There might not be a lot of time to explain at the moment, there's too much to this." Mark said, setting the tip of the bat on the floor beneath him. 

     "It's complicated." Felix replied.

     "Complicated? This is bullshit. This is insane. This is-"

     Ethan immediately stopped speaking when he heard a faint laugh coming from the hallway (Y/n) and Felix just came from. They all looked back towards the hall, seeing nothing there.

     "Do you see what I mean?!" Ethan erupted. "What the fuck was that?!"

     Then, they all witnessed what seemed to be Sean's hand slam onto the frame of the hallway entrance, dragging it away to leave a bloody hand print. He was headed upstairs.

     "Sean?" (Y/n) called out, stepping closer to the hall, looking up at the stairs. "Sean!" She yelled out, running up the stairs before anyone could stop her.

     "I am not fucking going up there." Ethan said harshly, pointing to the hall and shaking his head. "Absolutely no fucking way." 

     Felix had an annoyed look on his face as he was about to say something, before they heard a door slam open upstairs and a manic laugh echo throughout the house. He shut his mouth quickly and rushed into the hall and up the stairway. Ethan looked at Mark.

     "You can do whatever you want, but I'm not going to just sit there and let this happen. Wherever he is, I'm going to find him and I am going to end this shit." Mark said, picking his bat up and jogging up after Felix, shaking his head at Ethan.

D̶̫̆ ̵̣̂Ě̷̫ ̸͚̽M̷͘͜ ̴͍̈Ȏ̵̬ ̶̘͝N̵͔͆ ̴͖͑  (Horror/Ego x reader)Where stories live. Discover now