>>Only One<<

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     I woke up on the cold floor of my bedroom. The room was dark, indicating it was more than likely night. My eyes fluttered open just enough to notice the moonlight shining onto the floor in front of me. There was a pounding in my head that sounded in a rhythm when the ringing in my ears subsided. My body was so weak and nearly all of it was numb for a few moments until it started to wake up- all at once. Everything hurt. I could feel the stinging in the cuts I had across my body, every bruise, scrape, my joints ached when I tried sitting myself up. 

     The only thing on my mind was how much pain I was in until I heard breathing next to me. It startled me for sure, but when I turned my head I felt my heart shatter, seeing Felix lying on the floor. His blue eyes looked up to the ceiling, tears cascading down his cheeks to the floor. He laid on his back with unsteady breath, knowing that I had regained consciousness.  I knew why he was crying wasn't because of Sean anymore.. remembering the choice I made just flooded over the both of us. I rested myself up against the bed still sitting on the floor, looking at his face being illuminated by the moonlight that shined into the room. 

     We shared the silence a few moments more before I spoke. The silence was killing me and all I could hear was his sniffles and the grinding of his teeth. "Felix. I'm sorry...you know that was really hard for me to go through- I...I didn't mean for it to end like th-"

     "(Y/n)." He interrupted my sentence, his lip quivered as he tried to speak without his voice becoming too shaky. "I was ready to die. Have you ever felt that feeling before?" 

     "Felix, really I-"

     "I was prepared to give everything up. You. Sean. Marzia... I don't even know if I'll ever be able to see Marzia again, I don't even know if she's alive." The wind blew a cold breeze into the room from the open window above the bed, moving his messy hair just the slightest bit. "I thought that was how my life would end. Now, I-.."

     Felix sat himself up and shot over to hug me, nearly knocking me over as he embraced me. I hugged onto him tightly as if it were the last time. "I'm so sorry..." 

     "I never want to feel like that again." 

     A few minutes passed as we held onto each other. In that moment, it felt like it was just us in the world. Even if that happened to be true. Having a friend like Felix by your side was one of the best feelings, but almost losing him at your own word, was one of the worst. After a while, you had both stood up and exchanged items, talking about your thoughts on what was going on. What the two of you discovered was that there was some kind of puzzle you needed to figure out, but neither of you had any clue on what that puzzle was. The only thing you knew was that the flash drive Felix had around his neck was completely blank and the photos didn't have much purpose now that you had reunited.

    "Where are we supposed to go now...?" Looking out of the window to the night sky, I saw that the street lights were somehow still working. 

     "Well I don't know if we should stay here but I don't think going out at night is the best idea, either." Felix admitted, feeling still shaken up by what happened.

     "Then we could stay here for tonight...leave in the morning to look for Ethan and Mark. If they're still around that is..." With that, I shut the curtains and flipped the light switch on which to my surprise actually came on and lit the room up a warm golden color. "You should get some rest.. you can take the bed if you want, I'll sleep on the couch."

D̶̫̆ ̵̣̂Ě̷̫ ̸͚̽M̷͘͜ ̴͍̈Ȏ̵̬ ̶̘͝N̵͔͆ ̴͖͑  (Horror/Ego x reader)Where stories live. Discover now