(15) he's kinda ok

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Andy sat holding his phone after he received the message from rye. He was a tease. A handsome tease, and Andy thought he was okay with that. so, as a person in the end it turned out he's actually ok.

Half an hour later Sue opened the door and looked at Andy who was still sat on the couch by the window.

"Hey, are you doing a little better now darling, I brought some cinnamon swirls for after tea because I know they cheer you up" Sue said gently.

"Really? Thank you Sue, I love them a lot and yeah, I'm doing okay" Andy laughed. Cinnamon buns were just his happy food and he didn't feel the need to think about why.

"Hmm is this happiness because of a visit from a certain tall, rather handsome rival team captain" Sue raised her eyebrow and poked at Andy's arm.

"It's okay if it was though right Sue, I mean, If you didn't like it I guess I'd have to leave. I-I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable" Andy absolutely verbal spewed.

To this Sue laughed, affectingly patted his shoulder and ruffled his hair. "Andy, I've been waiting for you to live yourself and whomever you want since you got here, and since it happens to be a rather attractive boy, you and me are going to watch several movie marathons and discuss which actor belongs to me and you. Because I will always love you, nobody is going to treat you like they did in your past. You're nobody's servant, your love is pure and good. Your opinion is sweet and kind, and never deserved to be silenced with the pain you had to endure. You're safe. Mike and I love you deeply with every fibre of our being. You're our Son, and for you to be yourself and love that, it's all we ever want" Andy didn't remover when he began crying, but he felt Sue embrace him and pat the back of his head. And for the first time in his what felt like, extremely long life, he felt safe, the marks on his back were not a burden to carry they were a sign on strength and endurance. And Andy didn't want to present anymore.

"Sue, I think I'm going into School tomorrow. I'm ready for it"

Sue modded affirmative and walked him through to the kitchen where they shared a cinnamon bun. They chatted boys and flirting and Andy felt free from burdens that had remained unspeakable.

*****to rye

Rye woke, he was soaked and lay shivering. Slowly moving his limbs he stretched and his sore knuckles brushed against a cool metal object, the key. Holding it in the palm of his hands as if it were a precious stone, he pulled himself to his feet. The pain tore though him, but he endured.

Managing to reach a level of stability he was happy with, he stuck the key into the door and let himself back in. Where he found himself staring at his father, sober and sat upright on the couch.

"Son, I'm sorry for laying hands on you, I want you to know that If you have not changed your mind, I will not do so again, and if you don't trust that, I have phoned for a lock to be put on your door, so you can feel safe, and for a door to be put into your room, so you'll have a bathroom and bedroom and we only share a kitchen. I owe that much to your mum. And if you decide to abandon this stupid idea. Then we can be family. If not, there's a surname legal sheet in your room."

"Dad, you have to understand that I'm who I am, I won't change. And that is okay" clasping his side Rye answered with determination.

"Then that's it, you'll live here, choose a new surname and you'll call me Sir not Dad or Father. Because I won't have someone like you being related to me"

Nodding his head, Rye retreated to his room. It was 5am, he had three hours until he had to leave the house and he had a a lot of self-maintenance to do regarding his health and physical ailments. Heavy bruising lined his jaw, with a blossoming black eye and blood staining on his skin, there was no way he was going to be able to hid the damage. But it was a badge of change, whatever kind of a father his dad was, it was a bad one, losing that hurt but he had started a brand new chapter and that was a very good thing. He wanted a new chapter, and he deserved one.

Using an antibacterial wipe from a first aid kit beneath the sink he wiped his face, removing the blood allowed the extent of the bruising to be visible. Rye smirked at himself in the mirror, not much of a golden boy now, but he didn't care. He was finally free to be himself. The cost was high, he he was free. Gently removing his shirt showed the rest of the damage. A large and bluish bruise stretched over his torso. Obviously Rue felt the need to poke it, and felt the pain upon contact that proved it was, in fact real. Removing the rest of his clothing he stepped into the shower to freshen himself up. He was going to chat with Andy. He needed to see where he stood and if all of this had been worth it. Because even if he had been lightly flirting all the time he was with Rye, it could be a joke. And that would be the thing that broke Rye completely. What a sob story of a life. He knew his team would be okay with whatever he was, Sonny was bisexual and the boys just supported him. He had a chosen family.

Rye let himself rest in the shower until his fingers shrivelled up like raisins and his skin was becoming very similar to a prune. And with that Ryan left the shower and dressed

Looking at himself in the mirror, the bruises made him look badass, he couldn't argue with that. He smirked and whisper screamed all the curses at his 'Dad' and once he felt suitably satisfied with the air insults he walked out of his door and put the surname papers down on the couch next to his father. His chosen surname was davies-blossom. His mother's maiden name. One that was, in his opinion much prettier than his Fathers surname. Evidently the choice hit all the marks he wanted it to. As his father glares sadly as he left. The stupid bastard didn't know what was about to hit him, Rye had a lifetime worth of suppressed emotions to live for and he was only just getting started.

Yes I know it's not actually her maiden name,just remember it's a work of fiction based off of characters I created that happen to have the names of RT boys. I think I have one chapter left. I don't want to overdo it. But trust me it'll be long and cute xx please comment and vote and stuff xx
Till next time
B xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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