(7) Mr. Perfect

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Jack stared at Andy, his mouth so wide if it was on a cartoon it would be touching the floor. The stakes were high this year.

"This is why the captains are never the ones to decide limits, isn't it?" Andy asked a still-shocked Jack. Feeling the need to roll his eyes at his idiotic, drama queen of a friend.

"Yeah" was all he could get out. ugh, conversation with him was going to be impossible until the information has registered. Instead, Andy decided that informing his team that he had had the meeting would be a better way to use his time at that moment. Andy was well aware that as soon as he messaged the group chat it would go mental, but he wanted to tell his team in person. Instead of having to get a message between the hundreds of messages that would, no doubt be the reason his phone had a meltdown. So he decided to keep it very simple:

Andy - Had the meeting, figured out limits. We'll talk about it in free period tomorrow.

*Chat Muted*

Andy did not want to read all the demanding messages that night, he wanted to get home and sleep. All the drama was tiring, the conversation he had just had was like a workout. Andy decided that he definitely, unquestionably deserved ice-cream. He knew Mike and Sue had some in, and they had said he could help himself. Andy was not comfortable with the 'what is ours is yours' yet, he was used to having to beg for anything, and facing the consequences of just 'helping himself'. But, they offered, so it was fair game.

If Andy was honest- which he obviously was not- he would have said he spent over half an hour then thinking about ice-cream when he was supposed to be talking to Jack. As he pulled up outside of his house after a very significant detour, adding 20 minutes of time to 'talk' onto the drive, Andy decided he had better talk a little to Jack.

"Jack, I don't want you to tell the guys about the meeting, m'kay? I want to tell them tomorrow" Andy said as he got out of his car.

"Yeah, sure, no problem" Jack responded, he waved as he began the two-minute walk from my house to his. calling parting wishes as he went, all completely 'polite' and 'mature'. To his goodbye, I waved my own hand in an equally 'polite' and 'mature' way before laughing and heading inside. It was about quarter to 7 when Andy closed the door, nobody was home. Sue and Mike must have been working later today. That meant he could eat ice-cream for tea, Ha. There was a note left for him on the fridge from his foster parents.



There is a microwave curry in the fridge for tea, and some ice cream in the freezer if you want something. Don't eat it all, we know what you are like ;-) x

love, Sue


Her note immediately made Andy smile, how did she know him so well. Unfortunately, that meant he could not just have ice cream for tea, but it was probably for the best. He pulled out the curry and looked at the mustard-yellow color of the korma, it looked unappealing, little like sick to be honest. But Andy did not have the taste buds for spicy foods. In fact, he hated it so much, he did not even like pepper or a little bit of chili powder. So, he had korma, despite its appearance, it was delicious. Especially with the promise of ice cream in his head.

Andy loved ice cream if couldn't already tell. So, when he got to open the freezer and eat some Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice cream, he smiled like an excited toddler. Andy got himself a spoon and slid it into the ice cream, putting a good spoonful in his mouth, making noises you would not expect to be pulled from his mouth by ice cream. In fact, it was a good job he was home alone is all that can be revealed at this point.

After his erotic ice cream eating moment Andy decided that he should go to bed, he suffered badly with insomnia when he was stressed about things. So when he was tired he just needed to try to sleep, half eight or not. Andy fell onto his bed causing the wooden frame to creak dangerously. despite being called a 'kiddo' by Rye, he was broad-shouldered, lightly-muscular and average height, so his heavy self falling onto the bed was not a smart thing to be doing.

By the time Andy's alarm went at 7 am, he had managed to get a broken five hours of sleep, which surprised him. Searching his mind for the reason he had managed to get that much sleep despite having Rye on his mind, Andy decided that it was obviously the ice cream. Hurriedly grabbing his stuff and stuffing his face with breakfast, he waved good morning to Mike, who was in the kitchen. Isaac jumped into his car at about 8:15, he was 15 minutes late as he had to have a shower... because he did smell that morning.

Andy did not want to have to explain that the prank this year was to be a large-scale hardcore, no real limits as it was just one each. They would both love and hate that news. It meant they could deal some real shit but would have to be prepared to receive some real shit too. His second period was free today, along with the rest of his team. He had one lesson to think about how he was going to break it to them and the fact he was a little afraid of Rye, and what he was capable of. Well, the next week was going to be nothing but interesting. From tomorrow onwards, it was on.

Theo must have already talked to his team, as Andy was getting dangerous looks from those who were on the football team, or those close to the members. Andy was regretting his choice for one big prank more and more, 7 small ones would have been so much less dangerous. It was feeling less and less like a gentle prank competition and more like a war. Andy hated the tense and uncertain atmosphere. For a confident guy, he was feeling very insecure, like he would jump out of his skin at a shadow.

Andy headed to the common room as quickly as he could after his first period, he just wanted to get the conversation over as fast as he could so that his role in the ridiculousness that was called prank week was done. He also wanted to get out of the stares and whispers as soon as possible, there was a new buzz of excitement around the school. It was like a swarm of flies around him constantly. Andy wished he could just get them away with some sort of bug repellant, to get rid of the irritating whispers. The common room was in sight, Andy felt like running to it, he knew how idiotic it would look for him to run away from the small crowd around him. He decided to lengthen his stride and look down at his feet to avoid eye contact. Going back, he should have just risked eye contact, it would have been the lesser of the two evils.

Not looking where he was going, he crashed into Mr. Perfect himself. Not like, bumping heads or even dropping stuff bump. It was a full, head-on collision that left Andy under Rye, his face about 1mm away from his, and his leg firmly in between Rye's. Suffice to say, it was an awkward predicament. Especially because he could feel, ehm, all of little Rye against his leg, and all he could do was gulp. Well, there was no majestic way to remove himself from such a compromising position. So, with a face as red as a tomato and an inability to form coherent sentences he pushed Mr. perfect off of him, with a grunt Rye was off of him and lay next to him. With a smirk etched on his face, Rye turned over to Andy.

"Missing me already kiddo" Already with that nickname!?

"Fuck you, Beaumont , getting in my way" Andy retorted

"You wish Fowler" The smirk not leaving his face for a second. Irritated, Andy got to his feet and glared at the golden boy on the floor, who now had his hands behind his head. Making it seem like the most normal thing that he was lying on the yard. Damn him and his elegance. Andy, without a look back, stormed off to the common room.

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