(11) Cross country has been suspended.

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Rye met the rest of his team at a stupid time of 4 am. There was a lot of preparation to be done. So the two boys who had probably run simulations, well safety first and all, went around and gave each boy specific instructions, and a particular length of rope. Once each boy had his rope and bucket of gunk they all walked over to the entrance to the woods. At the opening, the trees were perfectly spaced out so one boy would run through each gap. They decided to attach the ropes first.

So Rye, being the tallest at 6ft 2 had Ben who was about 6ft on his shoulders, tying rope over branches. Ben liked climbing, so, as dim-witted as he was, he was going to tie the best knot. They did not want anyone to die. Rye was starting to feel guilt nibble at him after what had happened yesterday. He had seen Andy go to his car, as usual, but he got in and did not move, his chest was moving slightly. Rye hoped he did not cause another attack with this, but prank week was pranking week, and that meant risky things like this. Like allowing Ben to place each personalized bucket of gunk on each branch, while Rye held him up. If he nudged those buckets, it would empty onto Rye, and Rye would not be impressed. Once all the things in the trees were done, each boy got to positioning the loop and hiding the rest of the rope for their player.

One thing was for sure, it was going to be a prank to remember.

By the time they were done, it was approaching 7 am. Each of the boys had to go home and get ready for the events of the day. Rye got a lift to his normal drop-off point, he headed back to his estate to get his things for the day, the adrenaline from setting up the prank was still coursing through his veins so he was pretty awake. When he arrived at the house he crept silently through the back door and up to his room, he had gotten his things together the day before so he could just get into his uniform and go. Once he was changed he grabbed his bag and made as if to leave his room, almost forgetting his bandana. All the boys had decided to wrap it around their necks today, to make them a bit more obvious. As well as writing the opposition's name on their bandana. So he wrapped his around his neck, making sure you could see the black sharpie that read 'Andy'.

He met with his entourage of football players outside the gates, each wearing their bandana and smirking. Side by side, they marched into school, the density of their presence made people move out of the way immediately. They were a wave crashing through the sands of people and the people had to move.

Each time they passed a hockey player the person wearing their name and colour smirked knowingly and continued walking. The school was electric, they knew something was happening today, other than the cross country. The cross country gave the school an excited air, but the electricity today was almost tangible. Going into form Rye's group passed Andy. Who very quickly noticed the bandana and name around Rye's neck. He saw the look of confusion flash over his face, and then a look of nervous anticipation as It dawned on Andy, that the only reason Rye would be wearing such attire is if it were something to do with his prank. And Andy was not comforted by this.

Andy has cross country today, he was already stressed enough over that, without having to watch every person and pre-observe around every corner like he was looking for some basilisk. It gave him massive anxiety, but he had to stay strong and wear his captain face. He could not show his fear, but truth be told he was remembering the cautiousness of living at that foster home. How he had to avoid his 'father' how he couldn't wake him up. And how once he had woken him up and he had regretted it for the rest of his life.

By this time of course Andy was alone in the corridor and was left to hurry to change for cross country. York's has a requirement for black shorts and a white top, pretentiously emblazoned with the school symbol. Andy hated it,

Mostly he hated public changing, which is why he already had this top on, under his shirt. Because the marks left by his fourth foster home were permanently scattered across his back. And he did not want anyone to see them.

But he joined the rest of his group and finished getting changed. They were all very excited about the prank they were doing tonight, Andy sighed. It was funny how quickly he lost interest. But, cross country was different, that he enjoyed.

They all went out and stood on their cross on the position with their name on. A huge crowd had gathered, a crowd usually does, but never one this big. Including the football boys. Which was a little perturbing to be honest.

Andy shook the crawling feeling from the back of his neck and focused on getting a good starting position.




"GO!!" The headmaster shot the start gun up into the air. And the hockey team leapt into action. Covering the 100m before the tree line with ease. And just as they broke through the trees, Andy felt a tightening around his left ankle. A second, in which time stopped and a deep feeling of fear engulfed him. And then he was propelled upwards, feet first. Gooey, smelly a gunk from an emptying bucket oozed down him. The smell of rotten eggs being painted over him in blue. Fuck. This was their prank.

He was way to high up to let himself down, but he looked around and saw all his team, hanging similarly, each gunk a different colour. He remembered the necktie handkerchief things. Fucking hell. Way to ruin his week. Andy tucked his shirt into his shorts so that his shirt did not expose his back and so that the gunk stayed on top of his clothes and not on his skin.

Laughter echoed from the crowd. And it took a while for the caretakers and staff to get the boys down. But the anger was stewing in each of them. They were going to pull their prank, even worse.

All except Andy had this mentality. He wanted the golden boy off his horse, but he was mentally exhausted by his flashbacks and fear of exposure. He wanted it all to be over so he could go home and get a hug from Sue. She'll always be Andy's mother, not biologically. But in every other way. And he felt so alone, that to be wrapped in her arms seemed like all he really wanted. Screw the football team.

I am so sorry for the slow updates. Self-teaching is actually quite time consuming as it turns out 😂 but here's another chapter my lovelies.
Till next time
B xx

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