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Jungkook's pov

I woke up and everything was a blur. I looked around and saw everyone laying down. Hobi was face flat on the floor, Namjoon was sitting on the couch with eye bags. He was staring at the TV and looked practically dead. Jin was asleep next to him and Jimin was snuggled up on one of the chairs. Yoongi was sleeping normally on one of the couches and I was lying on a couch too. I felt a weight on me and I rubbed my eyes. I looked down and saw Tae hugging my waist. His head was resting on my arm and there was a fluffy blanket on him.

I don't even remember anything from last night. We started drinking and I remember that Hobi was being super quiet. Then again, that's the usual. I think he's a sad drunk.. we had some pretty normal conversations but I don't remember anything afterwards.

Namjoon yawned and I stared at him trying to stay awake. I didn't even drink as much as some of the others and I'm still really tired.

No one's pov

Namjoon stayed up all night. He couldn't think straight because of how crazy they were acting. Just that small group of 7 made such a mess. Sure it looked spotless in the morning but he was cleaning all night.

He finished cleaning up with Jin and he let him fall asleep. Sure he would let himself fall asleep too, but we all know that whenever they have drank in the past, Tae got it the worst. They knew it probably wasn't a good idea, but Tae wanted to do it so they let him for the night.

He's probably gonna get really nauseous and everything. He drank a lot, too. More than usual and they all noticed. They were definitely worried about him, so Namjoon decided to stay awake. He knew that everything was pretty hard on Tae lately and he wanted to be there for him.

He saw that Jungkook had woken up and smiled. Jungkook smiled back and his eyes weren't even open. He couldn't even understand what was happening as he was still pretty much asleep.

One by one, everyone started waking up, except Taehyung.

Hobi: "Poor Tae- He's gonna be so grumpy." Hobi crossed his arms and Jin sat up. He immediately poked Namjoons cheek.

Jin: "Did you sleep?" Namjoon shook his head.

Jin: "You need rest... you were cleaning all night."

Yoongi: "I would never do that.."

Namjoon: "I know.. but I've never seen him drink that much. He looks dead."

They all focused on Tae as Jungkook slid out from under him. He gently placed the couch's pillow under his head as a replacement. He patted Tae's head and stretched out. Jimin made a weird squeaking noise as he stretched his arms out. He hopped out of his chair and smiled.

Jimin: "Yoongi~ you know you're the best at making breakfast right?" Yoongi looked up at Jimin's cute puppy eyes and sighed.

Yoongi: "Anyone willing to help?"

Jin: "I can. Get up." Yoongi nodded and they went to the kitchen. They grabbed various items and started using them to cook. They were definitely being productive, but the noises were a little loud..

Hobi: "Keep it quiet!" Hobi looked at the two and placed his finger on his lips. The two nodded and smiled. They were all looking at Tae as he slept soundly. He literally looked dead-

Jungkook sat on the ground next to him and smiled.

Jungkook: "Is he even alive???"

Jungkook's pov

I thought about telling the others about Tae and I but I decided that it wouldn't be a very good idea. They knew how I felt about Tae, but they don't know that I actually confessed. The best part was that he was ok with it, and it worked out much better than I thought it would. Of course, I need to tell them soon, but not today. 

Just looking at Tae made me feel bad because he kept a lot to himself. They didn't think it would be that bad, though, Tae was never really extra about anything. He was always honest about the things he was thinking, but he wasn't one to keep it in. That's how we knew something  was really wrong. When he told us about it, we panicked. I thought it was the best time to tell him how I feel. I hoped it would make him happier, and mostly, it did. 

The way he smiled made me feel better, but I knew he was still having a hard time. He really did drink a lot yesterday, but who knows what will happen today. If his dad calls him again, I'm going in his house with him. I don't care if he doesn't want me to, and I don't care if his dad hates me. I'm going to protect him. Even though he's older than me, I don't care. He still acts like a baby and he gets emotional pretty easy. Kinda like Jimin, but younger. Literally.

I might be the youngest, but messing with the hyungs is fun. They might complain about it but that's why it's funny.

I poked Tae's cheek and he didn't even move.

No one's pov

Jungkook poked him again and Tae reached out and smacked his hand. He groaned in annoyance and Jungkook pouted.

Hobi: "Ah- you woke him uuuup!" Jungkook looked around, looking innocent.

Jungkook: "Sorry-" Tae's eyes were just barely open as he pulled the blanket over his head. The light was bothering him and his head hurt way too much. He couldn't even think as he layed in the dark.

Tae's pov

I feel a soft pressure on my cheek and frowned. They did it again and I just barely opened my eyes. I saw Jungkook facing away from me and pulled the blanket up. The light was shining in through the windows and made everything worse. I had a migraine and I could feel my head throbbing. I didn't even want to open my eyes as everything was sore. I was cold, so I curled up in the warmth of the blanket. 

No one's pov

Tae's phone went off and Jungkook looked up at it. It was on a small white coffee table next to a small lamp. Tae's arm slowly reached out to it and hit the desk with a smack. He felt around and dragged the phone in the blanket.

They watched as his form shifted. He was on his stomach and holding himself up with his elbows. He turned his phone on and winced at the brightness. They watched as the brightness went down through the blanket and there was silence. He clicked on the message and it was from his dad. Again?! It was only 9:00am! He's never up this early.

Tae read the message. It wasn't expected, and it sounded calm. Too calm..

'Come home.'

Tae: "Aisscchhhh..." He made a whimper noise and removed the blanket. He sat up and looked at the floor for a bit before standing up.

Jimin: "Slow down.. you know drinking's hard on you." Jungkook nodded and hugged Tae's legs.

Jungkook: "No walking for you." Tae's eyes were barely open but anyone could tell that he was pissed. He tried to push Jungkook away but of course it didn't work. He took a deep breath and frowned.

Tae: "I gotta see what this is..." Jungkook shook his head and held on. "Kookie. Please..."

Jungkook: "Nope."

Tae: "...Jungkook. Let go of me right now." Tae hasn't said his full name in at least a year. Not while talking to him. His voice raised a little when he said it which was more worrying. Then again, no one would like not being able to walk because someone was holding your legs. Jungkook breathed in through his teeth and made a breathy, hissing noise. His arms slipped off of Tae and he sat back.

Jungkook: "Sorry...." Tae stood up and walked straight to the door.

Jin: "Hold on!" Jin came running from the kitchen and handed him ibuprofen and water. Tae hesitantly took it and handed Jin the glass.

Tae: "Thanks.." Jin smiled and hobbled back to the kitchen.

Jungkook: "Can I come..."

Tae: "No."

Jungkook: "Please!"

Tae: "No." Tae stepped through the door and closed it behind him. He walked to his car and luckily he kept his keys in his pocket. He could've lost them in the couch, but he didn't. Why did he sleep with his keys? 

Tae hopped in his car and drove to his house. There were butterflies in his stomach as he thought about what his father said. It repeated through his head..

'Come home."

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