(pt.2) Your hands - Ushijima Wakatoshi

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"Good morning, F/N." He whispers as you feel warm hands trail the outlines of your jaw, leaving kisses on your neck, your forehead, your lips.

"Hmm..Good morning." You open your eyes to Ushijima's face close to yours. "I love this view." He states, his hands cupping your cheeks.

"Me too." You smile to him. You pull his hands and put them on your waist. He was now on top of you. You pull him closer, your hands wrapped around his neck as you close your eyes awaiting for his soft lips to be on yours. But you were greeted by a loud cry instead. Your eyes jolt open.

You look at Ushijima as you both laugh. "I'll get him." He exclaims as he stands up and gets out of your room. You get out of bed and start your morning routine.

"Toshi!" You call out as you set the food on the table. Just another early morning in your household, it's been almost a year after you had your first baby, Hikaru. You hear footsteps running down the stairs. You bite your lips as you see your husband half dressed, he was wearing slacks. His perfectly toned abdomen greeting you first thing in the morning.

Damn it, why does your husband look so hot with your son clinging on to his bulging arms. He lightly chuckles as he sees your gesture and struts down to where you were.

He sits Hikaru down on his baby chair and pulls you in for a long deep kiss. His lips were warm as they clash onto yours, you put your hands on his still wet hair. He bites your lips as he asks for entrance.  "Ma..ma....Pa...pa" You lightly push Ushijima away as he playfully shrugs and grins. You still weren't used to the fact that you two weren't alone anymore and you really should.

This little escapades weren't good for your child's eyes.

You turn to Hikaru and prepare his meal. "Toshi, coffee?" He hums, nodding his head. He follows you with his eyes. This was how life ought to be for him. The woman he loved, the smell of coffee in the air, Hikaru, the light of your lives. He's got everything he needed.

You put the cup of coffee in front of him as you sit down and feed Hikaru. You were so preoccupied admiring everything you could about your son and how you were gonna miss him for two days.

You were going on a trip with a business partner and Hikaru would be left with Ushijima. You trusted your husband more than anything but the thought of being away from your son just caused a tight pull in your chest.

"Baby, we gotta go." You were occupied for so long, Ushijima was now wearing a light blue long sleeved with a black vest on top. There was no one to leave Hikaru with because his Uncle Tendou was out of town. He wouldn't trust his son to Hoshiumi and the others really.

He straps on the baby carrier and gestures for you to put Hikaru inside. "We'll miss you." He says as he places a kiss on your forehead. Hikaru pulls your shirt and starts crying. You place his small hands on yours tracing circles in his palm as you hum him a lullaby.

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