Lucky - Bokuto Koutarou (Fluff)

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In the mood for fluff so here ya go! Enjoy lovies ❤️

You slouched on your desk as you sip a cup of your coffee. You slouching and catching your breath for 5 minutes was already the most break you've ever had the past 3 days.

You rub your temple to ease the headache you were suffering from. It was excruciating. You had a lot of projects you had to finish by the end of the day and it was no easy task.

You had to cram for 3 days straight, you haven't even eaten breakfast or dinner the night before nor did you get a wink of sleep in any of those nights. You stayed up late and kept on working.

You were hungry and sleep-deprived but the worst of it all was how you left things with your boyfriend last night.

He was trying to cheer you up but you were so fed up from your work you just exploded. Not knowing where the words coming out of your mouth came from.

As soon as you raised your voice at Bokuto, his face just fell. The energy from him almost drained, even his hair look liked it drooped down. After you exchanged words, when you came to, Bokuto slammed the door shut.

Damn it! You knew how soft Bokuto is and You wanted to go after him but this really wasn't the time for that. Internally you had wished that he'll come home eventually. But, there wasn't even the slightest sight of Bokuto.

This was the worst spat you both had. He just didn't think you'd snap at him like that. He was simply trying to distract you from the zombie mess that you were.

You knew you just had to make it up to him after this. You were busy planning how you'd make it up to Bokuto on your mind. You lazily get up from you chair and go home but decided to buy Bokuto yakiniku as a peace offering.

You were silently wishing that Bokuto was already in your apartment waiting for you.

You open the door to your apartment and were greeted by the darkness. Your heart felt like it was ripped into pieces. Bokuto wasn't home.

Your tears started falling one by one until you were sobbing, you open the lights and head your way to the table and put the food you bought there.

You open the door to your bedroom and were stunned. The floor was filled with candles, leading to the bathroom. There were petals scattered on the floor. You can't help but sob even more.

"Baby? Baby, I'm sorry I'm sorry if you don't like it I'll take it all away" Bokuto pulled you into a hug. He then pulls away to wipe the tears off your face.

Bokuto was unbelievable. You had said a lot of things that hurt him but he managed to pull off something as sweet as this. He was the one who even said sorry first. You were so lucky. This man was yours.

"No, I--just thought you'd leave me Kou" He puts his forehead into yours, nose to nose. Hands on your cheeks. It was intoxicating. You were almost breathing each other in.

"You know I'd never leave you babe, I love you" You started tearing up again at how sweet the love of your life was. You thank the person you were in your past life, maybe she was a hero for something so good like this to happen to you.

Before you can even react Bokuto closes the gap and your lips meet at a gentle pace, your lips dancing to the rhythm of your beating hearts. His lips was so soft, his taste---addicting. His kisses was enough to make your knees weak and wobble. Just like that, Bokuto had kissed your worries away.

He picks you up and carries you to to the bathroom without warning. There, the sweet scent of cinnamon candles filled the room. He prepared a bath for you both. When you both were inside the mood suddenly changed, what was once a sweet kiss turned into something intense.

You continue to devour each other, only pulling away seconds to breathe before getting pulled back by Bokuto. You wrap your arms around his neck lightly stroking his hair, your tongues dancing at every move your lips make.

Bokuto finally pulls away and looks at you with such pleading eyes. You laughed hysterically at him. He was about to leave the bathroom when you pulled his hand back.

"I'm kidding baby, let me make it up to you" You smiled sweetly at Bokuto and jumped into him wrapping your legs onto his waist and wrapping your arms around his neck which you started tracing with your lips, his frown turning into a grin knowing that he'd get so lucky tonight and every other day and night he was with you.

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