Unexpected - Miya Osamu (LEMON)

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If you are not comfortable with this kind of genre. Please skip this chapter! But for those who do---Itadakimasu!

------Scenario takes place after timeskip!----

"Oh c'mon Samu! Just go for it. You've been staring for an hour already! Stand up!" Atsumu exclaimed to his twin.

"But what if--" Osamu hesitantly stood up.  Little did you know Osamu was eyeing you all night. You, all alone in that tight black dress of yours. Your back and shoulders exposed. It was almost like you were inviting him in.

The moment you walked in that bar his eyes was already on you.

When he caught a glimpse of you he just can't stop. There was something about you that enticed him. Drawing him in.

"No, Samu just ya go!" Atsumu pushed his brother.

"Hi. Is this seat taken?" You glance at the gray haired man that spoke.

"No" While taking another shot of your many other shots of tequila that are lined up in front of you.

"I'm Osamu by the way"

"Yeah, F/N"

"Ya look like you could use some company huh? Rough night?" He sat down next to you and ordered a drink.

"You tell me, I just lost my job but oh well" You faked a laught and took 2 more shots. Osamu was puzzled at the sight of you. You were so interesting. So carefree. So attracting.

"I-I just don't know what to do right now. My family depends on me, I don't wanna let them down" You looked at him and continued while tears started to fall from your eyes.

Osamu can't help but admire this woman in front of him. He looks into your eyes, eyes that drew him in. Inviting him.

He reached for your face and wiped your tears which made you break down even more. He then invited you in for a hug which you gladly took.

You didn't know a thing about this man hugging you and stroking your back. You don't know if maybe it's the alcohol that made you into a crying mess.

But Osamu gave you something you really needed right now, comfort and warmth.

"Ya wanna go get some coffee?" There really was no thinking for you. This man was straight up.

You gave him another look and was in awe. This man was really good looking. His body was well built. And He was asking you for coffee? Hell you wouldn't pass up an opportunity like this.

"Uhm..Sure I'm sorry for my mess" He smiled at you and patted your head.  God, this man would be the death of you.

"Don't ya worry 'bout it" He took your hand and guided you to the parking lot. He opened the door of the car for you while you gladly went in.

He drove you to a convenience store and opened the door.

"C'mon get out"

"Thank you" You entered and bought coffee and some other drinks.

"Ya know if you would like you could work for me? I own Onigiri Miya" He said while drinking from his bottle.

"REALLY?! I mean sorry, really? You would do that" He laughed at your reaction and Damn! that laugh could kill you then and there.

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