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With no time to waste, I quickly explained my plan to Laura and she instantly agreed. While the other cadets were slicing through the Titans' napes, I looked around for where Annie was. She was nowhere to be seem. 

After the days job done, we headed back to the training camp and ate our meals like normal. Thinking hard, I realized that tomorrow would mean that we'd only have 2 days left, if Katie had got the handbook right. THE HANDBOOK. OH SNAP. Now excited and a little concerned, I grabbed my dinner and shoved it into my pocket to eat later, before running our of the canteen and down to the cabins. Inside, I scrambled to get my handbook which I had kept with me. Turning hastily through the pages, I found the page that I was looking for. 

When we would be teleported back. 

Thinking that I would probably have enough time in these three days, I started to calm myself down as I couldn't see any date written down, which was strange, but I chose not to think anything of it. Just as I was about to shut the book, the dreaded answer caught my eye from the corner of the page. Panicked, I yanked the book back open again and stared in horror at the date. Katie had gotten it wrong.....we were due to be teleported at the night of the 27th of July. 

That was in a day.....oh god. 

Blinking back my hot tears, I shot up from my bed and ran all the way back inside again. "LAURA, WE'RE LEAVING TOMORROW!!" I yelled, panicking. My heart was racing at an insane speed and I felt like I was about to pass out from the shock. In seconds, Laura was by my side, her eyes wide with fright. "We're going to have to cut the plan short....alright, we'll go to the trees tomorrow, catch Annie, take Bertholdt to be examined, and try and not loose too many cadets. Understood?" I ask sternly, my breathing turning horrible ragged. Laura nodded violently, making me scared that her head might fall off. 

Speaking to Levi, Hange and Erwin straight away, we agreed to catch them and then we'd be able to say our goodbyes. It was going to be hard and as much as I didn't want to loose anyone, we were probably going to end up killing off a bunch of cadets. 

I was not excited for tomorrow. 

Word Count: 418 

Time: 17:47 

Date: 26/07/2020 

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