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[Jean's POV]

"Have you already killed her?" Levi asked, sipping on a cup of freshly made tea. "No." I replied straightforwardly. "THEN WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HER?" Levi slammed his cup down, splashing the tea over the table in-front of him. "She probably just fainted from blood loss." I replied. "YOU LUNATIC! YOU SHOULD HAVE BARELY TOUCHED HER, NOT BREAK HER DAMN NOSE!" Levi's anger was scaring everyone in the room. "Levi, calm down-" Erwin started to say, but Levi drew out his sword and aimed it at me. Well great. I was probably going to die now. "HANGE WILL CONDUCT SOME STRANGE EXPERIMENT ON HER AND IT'LL PROBABLY GET THE DAMN GIRL KILLED." That's when Mikasa slapped her hands on the bar in front of her, and jumped over it like it was a hurdle. "I'm going to check up on Scarlett. Jean is coming with me." She said, not even taking a glance in my direction. Thank god Mikasa existed. 


"HANGE OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR." Mikasa yelled, kicking the door with unbelievable strength. Not even a second later, a shaken up looking Hange opened the door. "What? You gave me quite the scare Mikasa." I pushed passed her and ran to the bed by the window. Scarlett's eyes opened instantly and she flipped me the finger. "Oh wow, my prince charming showed up. Whatcha gonna do, huh? Break my jaw next?" Despite everything, I felt myself grin stupidly. "Levi almost killed me back there. You good to get up?" Scarlett glared at me, before grabbing my arm and pulling herself up. "Sure horseface. Sure." She rolled her eyes and slipped on her jacket. "I'll get Mikasa." I say, retracing my steps to where I find Mikasa holding Hange by her jacket. "What?" She asks sternly, dropping Hange to the floor. I just shrugged nervously, and Scarlett walked towards us. "Thanks Mikasa, Jean." She says simply before walking straight out of the room, both Mikasa and I right behind her. 


"Are you feeling alright Scarlett? Levi had a go at Jean, it was hilarious!" Laura said, grinning. I sighed, before taking my seat next to Marco. "Finally. Right, so I asked you all to this meeting to discuss the new Cadets. Yes, they have come from a completely different world. This means that they aren't used to everything around here. However, everything will go on as normal." Erwin stepped forward after Levi had said his part. "Commander Pyxis will take those who did training this morning, to do the nape cutting practise. Among whom are the two new Cadets. You are all free to go now." And then everyone got up and started leaving the court room. Everyone in our group turned to face me, eyes widened. "Surprised that Levi reacted that way, but then again, you did make the new girl pass out." Armin said, shaking his head. I just rolled my eyes and turned my attention to where Levi was handing both Laura and Scarlett their new 3DM gear. They both looked weirdly excited for some reason, but their expressions both turned sour when they saw me looking at the two of them. 


[Back to my POV] 

Out in the forest training camp area, everyone from earlier training looked super cool in their full outfits. I probably looked like a complete weirdo. "This training practise is fairly simple. You will use your 3DM gear to cut throught the trees and slice the bread on the Titan cutouts. This will help you to get ready for actually cutting the Titan's nape open. I will stay here in case anyone gets hurt, but I hope that you all will stay in the air. If for any reason there is an unknown Titan attack, I will call you all back using this whistle." Pyxis held up a whistle which was tied around his neck on a piece of string. I nodded, trying not to feel scared. "Alright. HANGE PLEASE PULL UP THE TITAN BOARDS." And then that's when around 20 odd cutout's stood up. It scared me. I gulped and gripped my sword handles tightly. The first person to fly off was Eren, who was closely followed by Mikasa. Then Armin and Marco went, seconds later followed by Conny and Sasha. "You ready Stranger?" Jean asks, looking deadly serious. I nod slowly, breathing in and out quickly. Laura gently puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay Scarlett, Jean will be right behind you." I glare at her, crossing my arms. "Oh perfect. Absoloutely fucking perfect." I say sarcastically. Jean laughs and waves as he flies off. "Dude, I thought you said that he was gonna 'protect me' or some shit?!" Laura grits her teeth, annoyed. "You know what, I'll go kill Jean myself." And then Laura too, also fly off, leaving me on the side next to Commander Pyxis. "You alright there Cadet?" He asks, trying to still look stern. I shrug, gripping the sword handles tighter. "Anxiety problems, nothing to worry about though." I mutter, taking a deep breath in and closing my eyes as I cut through the air suddenly. 

Well, there was no going back now. 

Word Count: 865

Time: 11:51

Date: 02/06/2020

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