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[Eren's POV] 

Back at the training base, I was dragged to Erwin's office. "What is the meaning of this?" Levi asked, stting up from a chair in the corner of the office room. "The only think I remember last, is that I was eaten by a Titan. Next thing I know, I'm a Titan." I say, knowing full well that neither of the two would believe me. But I was wrong. "So you're saying that if you get eaten by a Titan, you have another chance to live?" Erwin asked, looking at me calmly. Wait what, no. Just then, the other new Cadet walked into the room, her face red as if she had been crying. "That's not the truth. I know exactly what happened to Eren." I blink at this girl as if she was going crazy in the head, but both Erwin and Levi seemed to trust her. "Eren, you didn't just turn into a Titan because you were eaten. You dad injected you with a substance that stopped you from turning into a Titan, up until now. The key around your neck will open up a draw inside of the basement, but the door will not be able to open unless someone like Levi kicks it down." Levi stared wide eyed at the ginger haired girl, probably as confused as I was as well. "I won't explain anymore since it might affect the future, but you need to believe me when I say that Scarlett might still be alive. We just need to find her because she'll probably be really confused right now." I nod, instantly grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the room. 

"We need to go and get the others right now." I say, and she nods. 

At the cabin dorms, I burst through the door with Laura and announce that we will be heading over to the village again tomorrow. They all agree that it's a good idea to sleep on it until tomorrow and we get on with the days work. 

At night, everyone promises to keep each-other safe, while I start getting scared that I might get kicked in the face by Levi tomorrow, because knowing Corporal, he'll be confused as to why I'm a Titan and how Laura knows all of that. 

*time skip to the morning* 

[Laura's POV] 

Waking up, I quickly get dressed and changed into my uniform before walking everyone else up. "Guys, we have to go and save Scarlett." I whisper to everyone, and soon enough, they were all wide awake and madly throwing on their uniform clothes. 

At breakfast, we downed our food and then raced outside to find Levi and Erwin discussing something very deeply. When they saw us all, they called out the other Cadets and instructed what we would have to do in the village again today. Of course, our main task was to kill off the invading Titans again, but we also had to try and find Scarlett. 


Ontop of the wall, I sighed heavily, praying that Scarlett would be okay. Then, I zipped down onto the houses. 

It hadn't been more than a few seconds before I heard a scream. This alerted every other Cadet that had come with us and I instantly went over to where the sound was heard. "What...is that?" Someone asked, pointing their sword down at the curled up cocoon on the floor. 

Well shit. 

"Everyone, you need to move away right now." I say loudly, making all heads turn to in my direction. "Why-" But everyone shut that person up very quickly. "Listen, I don't want to alarm anyone here, but that is Scarlett. She's inside of that cocoon thingy." I say, making everyone gasp. Before they could evacuate the area and warn both Levi and Erwin that they had found Scarlett, the cocoon started shaking. Tiny little cracks started to show up on the outside and I breathed a sigh of relief. 

She was okay, just....a little stuck, that's all. 


Suddenly, the egg burst open and a shivering Scarlett say there. There were marks underneath her eyes which I new instantly meant that she had Titan blood in her veins. Cautiously, I jumped down from the roof of one of the houses and walked over to her side. "Scarlett, can you hear me?" I asked, whispering quietly. A soft little whine came from her mouth, indicating that she was actually just fast asleep this whole time. I laugh softly, moving my hand up to brush her brown hair out of her pale face. "What on earth are we going to do with you eh?" I smile sadly, looking at her with worried eyes. 

If only I had been able to save her. Maybe if she had gone to a different Anime world then none of this would have happened. But knowing her, she would have gotten herself into even more trouble, in some unknown way. 

Word Count: 830 

Time: 10:20 

Date: 01/07/2020

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