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Without a single thought on my mind, I opened my eyes and smiled the happiest smile. But unfortunately, this is not a very happy Anime. Nor is it a world where there are smiles upon every face inside the wall. Once in the air, I knew that the real training had started. Ignoring everything else around me, I zipped towards a cut-out that wasn't too far off from where I was. As soon as I was at least a few metres away, I drew my swords and raised them above my head, ready to slash the bread. "KYAAAAAAAAAA!" I yelled, swinging my blades down and cutting a perfect triangle slice from the direct middle. I had done it. I had really done it! But this wasn't a time to congratulate myself, I'd have to deal with the real thing soon enough. 


"SCARLETT THAT WAS FREAKING AMAZING!" Laura yelled, running over to me. I grinned and let myself be hugged. "You were better than I thought, well done." Mikasa said, hesitantly resting a hand on my shoulder. Both Armin and Eren walked over, Eren particularly looking excited. "Corporal has to see this! You're just as skilled as Mikasa!" Laura let go of me and thanked Eren for the 'sort of' compliment. I glanced over at where Marco and Jean were discussing something with Commander Pyxis, and tilted my head to the side. "What do you think they're talking about?" I whispered to Laura, who also was looking at the three of them. "Extra training maybe?" She replied back, and I nodded, because there wasn't really much else that they could be talking about, aside from Titans. 


"Scarlett, can I talk to you please?" Commander Pyxis said, and I nodded. Walking over, Laura passed me and gave me a thumbs up. What the hell? Did Pyxis also speak to her? "I just have a few questions to ask if that's alright with you?" I nod slowly, straightening out my jacket. "Good, good. Now, would you be confident out on the front line? Is there a specific role you'd like to take on? Are you scared?" The questions were fired at me instantly, and I felt sick as they all ran through my head. "F-Front....l-line...?" I whispered, clutching my stomach. Pyxis nodded, looking down at me. "Role...? AM I SCARED?? YOU MUST BE CRAZY OLD MAN! OF COURSE I'M SCARED. I MIGHT LOSE MY FUCKING LIFE!!" I scream, my body shaking. Just as my anxiety started to kick in, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. Tears smothering my view, I looked up to see the outline of Jean. "J-Jean....?" I whispered, shivering. "You can't just throw that at her Commander. That's not fair at all." Jean said, his teeth gritting. Taking a deep breath in, I wiped away the tears that were falling down my face and looked up at the Commander. "I need to be there. I need to save Marco." I muttered, and his face turned white. "Save...M-Marco....?" Pyxis stuttered and I nodded, managing to steady my breathing again. "But I can't tell you why. You just need to trust me, please." I begged, and Pyxis placed a hand on my shoulder, nodding. "Alright, I understand." And then he walked off, headed in the direction of Erwin's office. After a few seconds, I turned around and looked up into Jean's eyes. "Thank you..." I whispered, leaning up to wrap my arms around his neck. Without wasting a second longer, he hugged me tighter. "I don't know what intention you had coming to such a place, but I am so glad that I met you Stranger." Jean said. 

I don't know how long we stood there, but time didn't matter. All I wanted was to help change the future. Whatever was to happen in the future, would all be based off of if Laura and I managed to save Marco in time. If we succeeded, then we could change the future for everyone here. 

"Sheesh you two, go back to the rooms if you're gonna be all lovey dovey with each-other." Mikasa said, interrupting us. I grinned, and let my arms slip from Jean's embrace. "I guess this couldn't last forever." I said sadly, and pulled away. Jean grinned, blushing slightly as I let my hair down. Grabbing my hairband, I swiftly tied my hair back up in a French Plait. "Let's go gang gang!" I smiled, and grabbing both Jean and Mikasa's arms, I ran off down the hall with them. 

Soon, we'd change history forever. 

Word Count: 764 

Time: 13:06

Date: 12/06/2020

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